what is the package of CSE students in shibpur West Bengal
Hello Aspirant
About 65-70% of students are placed each year. In contrast to some of the mass recruiters, like Infosys, TCS, Cognizant, etc., Microsoft offered the highest package (39 LPA) for 6 students (3.6 LPA). The average packet included somewhere around 6 LPA.
Hope this information helps you.
which is better for aerospace engineering iest shibpur or pec Chandigarh
IIEST have abundant things to say. The professors are cooperative and helpful. Designing is taught through MMS lab and CAD lab. In 3rd year, students go to IITK for flight laboratory. Many of the student do internships at HAL, DRDO, etc.
On the second hand PEC is also definitely better college for aerospace engineering. It had Kalpana Chawla as it's student. PEC is itself a reputed institution of the Punjab Government.
Choose wisely.
Good luck!
I get 89.36% in obc category and all India rank 28317 in obc- ncl can I get the branch information technology in shibpur IIEST for home state female category???
Hello Aspirant,
Considering that you have mentioned your OBC rank because OBC rank is to be considered for allotment, if it is CRL rank then kindly correct me in the comment section below.
As we go through the latest cut-offs of JEE-Main 2021 of JOSAA 6th round then it shows that the closing OBC rank for Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur in 2021 was around 24.5k under Home state quota, so with the mentioned OBC rank you have very less chances to get Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur.
You can check out the latest cut-offs from the link given below :-
Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of latest cut-offs available on official website of JOSAA or CSAB and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your JEE-Main score or rank you can use JEE-Main College Predictor:-
As the cut-offs are released along with the JEE-Main 2022 result so now you can check whether you have qualified for JEE-Advance 2022 or not, JEE-Main 2022 qualifying cut-offs are enlisted below :-
==>> Common Rank List (CRL) - 88.4121383 percentile
==>> GEN-EWS - 63.1114141 Percentile
==>> Other Backward Classes (OBC-NCL) - 67.0090297 Percentile
==>> Scheduled Caste (SC) - 43.0820954 Percentile
==>> Scheduled Tribe (ST) - 26.7771328 Percentile
==>> PwD - 0.0031029 Percentile
You can check out previous year's cut-off trends from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
how to get admission in IIST BANGALORE AND IISER SHIBPUR
Hello aspirant,
For UG courses, candidates must register themselves online, through the IIST website. After the registration process, the institute generates an admission list. The selection for BTech and BTech Dual (BTech+MS/ MTech) programme is done based on candidates' valid scores in JEE Advanced and counseling round.
furthermore, The IIEST Shibpur admission process constitutes of the online application, verification and fee submission and then provisional admission.
The selection process for UG Program in IIEST Shibpur is as Follows :
- Based on the merit list, the students will get approved.
- Approved students will have to pay the blocking fees.
- Send the documents for verification for provisional admission.
- Join the provisional admission Google meet for document verification.
- After verification through Google meets, the officials will pass the enrollment certificate.
Further, to know more about the IIEST shibpur Admission process in detail, you can follow the below mentioned link to know more : https://www.careers360.com/university/indian-institute-of-engineering-science-and-technology-shibpur/admission
Further, to know more about the IIST bangalore admission process in detail, you can follow the below mentioned link to know more : https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/iist-btech-admission
I hope that this will help.
tution fee and total hostel expenses including fooding in IIEST shibpur betech ug how much a candidate have to pay per year kindly give details . I have to calculate per month expenditure.aerospace engineering.
Dear aspirant,
As you haven't mentioned your category then i would be considering you as a general category and so fees structure is as follows:-
1- The tuition fees is 62500 and other expenses like Library fee, institute fee and others would be around 8000. So, total fee without hostel is 71k.
2- The hostel fees is around 30.5k . So total expenditure of per semester is around 100500.
Now if your family income comes under 5L then there are various remission for two categories and they are as follows:-
1- Family incomes below 1L will get full remission of tuition fees. They will have to pay 38k including hostel per semester.
2- Family income between 1L and 5L will get 2/3rd remission and they need to pay 58k per semester.
For more information you can check out the link given below-
can an obc b candidate apply for TFW if his family income exceeds five lakhs like five lakh fifty thousand like that in shibpur engineering college aerospace dept
Dear aspirant,
There are certain conditions for tfw category in iiest shibpur and it must be fulfilled to get eligible.
The conditions are as follows-
1- Candidates whose family income is below 1 L per annum will get full remission of tuition fees.
2- Candidates whose family income is between 1L and 5L will get 2/3rd of tuition fees remitted.
may I produce obc b certificate in shibpur engineering college .I have admitted as general category.now I have got obc b category certificate.if I can use obc certificate for tfw benefit.
Hello aspirant,
You have also admitted as General Category candidate then now you cannot change it to OBC Category.
As you did not got your OBC Category Certificate, so you joined the College as General Category candidate. Now you cannot change it most of the cases it is not possible.
Now though you have the certificate you might not get chance to change your caste, once talk to the College authorities about it.
May this information was helpful to you.
All The Best!!
minimum income per annum five lakhs or eight lakhs which on is correct for tfw for shibpur engineering college aerospace dept.kindly give actual latest order.
Dear aspirant,
There is provision for fee remission in iiest shibpur so for tfw category you need to show your family income either less than 1L or between 1L and 5L. If your family income is 8L per annum then you won't be eligible for the remission.
For 1L your full tuition fees will be remitted and for 1L-5L 2/3 rd of the tuition fees will be remitted.
what rank / marks approximately should we get in jee mains so that we get aerospace engineering in IIEST shibpur?
Hello Aspirant,
Since you have not mentioned your category so considering it as General.
As we go through the latest cut-offs of 2021 then it shows that the closing CRL rank was 22430 for Aerospace Engineering branch in Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur under Other state quota for General category.
You can check out the latest cut-offs from the link given below :-
Now to secure around such rank you should have your JEE-Main percentile at least around 97.8+.
You can check out marks Vs ranks Vs Percentile from the link given below :-
You can also use JEE-Main Rank Predictor to predict your rank :-
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your score, category, and state you can use JEE-Main College Predictor :-
As you are preparing for JEE-Main then I would recommend you to check the resources made by our experts to help aspirants like you in the best and smart preparation of JEE-Main :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!