What was the average stipend offered during NITIE Mumbai summer placements for the 2021-23 batch?
when is 2023 sslc exam scheduled
Hello Aspirant,
Hope you are doing great. The Class 10 exams in Karnataka will take place in March 2023. To pass the Karnataka SSLC exam, students must receive a minimum of 35% in both the theory and practical sections. The schedule has not yet been made public by the authorities. The SSLC exam schedule for 2023 in Karnataka will be made public by the Karnataka State Secondary Education Examination Board in January 2023. On the official website, sslc.karnataka.gov.in, the Karnataka SSLC time table 2023 pdf will be accessible.
when will be sslc exam report cart day
SSLC Exam is the Secondary School Leaving Certificate Exam. SSLC Karnataka has published its result on 19th May, 2022. Kerala SSLC has published its result on 10th June, 2022. Passing rate of this exam in Karnataka state is around 85.63% and around 99.47% students from Kerala have passed this exam successfully.
My name was corrected in my daughters SSLC exam marks card during 2021.She had passed SSLC during 2020.Revised marks card is also issued. Now in her PUC II hall ticket my name is correctly shown. But while doing kcet registration my name is showing wrongly. Will it be a problem?
Hello Student
All the exams your daughter has faced in in all these documents your name has been corrected but in KCET exam your name is wrongly placed. So you have to correct your name whenever the KCET correction window will you paint for a time s.days. if you do this properly then there will be no problem in future if you daughter successfully qualify in KCET exam. Wait for counselling after KCET exam result is published. More information you can click on the KFC 60 college lecture website
Hope this will help.
Whether the hall ticket get oil it will be available for sslc exam
Dear aspirant hope you are doing well...
There are many quires received by our platform. I just only want to say, You can re-download you hall ticket/ admit for the official site of ssc/ sslc exam . Just login your account. And click on the print option to download your admit card/ hall ticket.
hope it's helpful thank you
sir, i have 88.48% in my sslc exam. can i eligible for women military police physical and medical test, with this percantage.
If you're enquiring specifically for Indian Army GD recruitment in regards to female candidate, then candidates just need to pass 10th standard from a recognized board securing 45% aggregate overall and secure 33% in each subject, as long as you fulfill this eligibility criteria you can definitely appear for the exam, the age limit is between 17.5-21 years, however relaxation up to 30 years is offered to widows of defence personnel who died in harness.
For filling the form of foundation exam ICAI 10th marks are mandatory. But for SSLC Exam Conducted only grading system is applicable.How should I provide mark deatils for the Form.?
Dont worry you can change your grades into percentage by following formula.
TGP*1.11 OR TGP*90/100
Where tgp is total grade points you can calculate from information below
Grades. Points
A+. 9
A. 8
B+. 7
B. 6
C+. 5
C. 4
D+. 3
D. 2
E. 1
Add the points you obtained in all subjects you get total grade points and apply the formula of converting grade into percentage mentioned above.