What is the eligibility criteria for M.E admission at St Francis Institute of Technology Mumbai?
i got jee mains ctl rank 276375 and sc categery rank is 17886 female candidate can i get seat in nit,iiit, gfit ,sfit
Hello Aspirant,
If we go through previous year's data of seat allotment On the basis of data mentioned in the question by you, you can go for the enlisted colleges :-
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
Assam University, Silchar
Indian Institute of Carpet Technology, Bhadohi
And some more. You can check out previous year's cut-offs from the official website of CSAB as given below :-
Note that the above list is merely a prediction which has been made on the basis of latest cut-offs available on official website of either JOSAA or CSAB and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
So you can use JEE-Main College Predictor to predict your chances of admission in different engineering colleges of India on the basis of your JEE-Main 2021 result :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck for your future!!
Hi sir,I have received SFIT in the first round of mht cet. Should I try for Thakur college or select sfit in round 1. PLS HELP
I suggest you to try thakur college of engineering. Since it's round 1 float the seat that you've received. Try round 2 see the trends and then decide. If you are trying for CMPN then I suggest wait till round 3 sometimes it's hard to get CMPN .
If it's IT EXTC mechanical then you will get thakur in round 2 provided the seat you've got in round 1 isn't Christian minority seat.
All the best
How to apply for spot rounds of pec chandigarh under csab counselling??
Hi Mohim,
CSAB NEUT-2019 will make allotment of seats to candidates on the basis of their All India Rank (AIR) in JEE (Main)-2019 to the first year of Engineering/Technology, Architecture courses. Allotment for pharmacy will be on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in class twelfth. It is important to note that these seats are other than those offered through CSAB-2019, which is for NITs, IIITs & GFTIs.
Certain Seats in IITs/ISM/NITs/IIITs/GFTIs are reserved in the participating colleges of JEE Mains 2019 and JEE Advanced 2019 for the candidates belonging to North East Region and Union Territories. A separate counselling wing namely, CSAB NEUT Counselling is responsible for counselling of such candidates.
PEC comes under JOSAA and it's spot round(if it takes place) will be organised under CSAB 2019 not under CSAB NEUT or SFTI. SFTIs are completely different chapter, they are private institutes that take admission through JEE Mains Rank and PEC is somewhat funded by govt.
The instruction regarding CSAB 2019 will be updated shortly on the official website, so stay tuned.
Good Luck !!
Hi sir, I would like to know is Sfit vary strict in attendance?
Yes it is true. Sfit is the strictest college when it comes to attendance and submission on time. The first year faculty is headed by Poonam ma'am who's very strict regarding attendance and have also stopped student from getting promoted due to low attendance.
Even arriving 2 mins late to the 8 am lecture can cause to be marked absent. She has also issued a letter stating that anyone entering 9 am lecture at 9.01 am will be marked absent and parents will be called after seizing the student id card twice in a month and trust me she has done it before.
The first year faculty in sfit is good but very strict just like a school.
But then again I'll say don't get discouraged just because it's strict. The 2nd & 3rd year will be a bit easier .