In 2021, are computational biology and biotechnology in act campus anna univ available for tanca councelling?
At the postgraduate level, yes! act campus Anna University offers Master of Engineering (M.E.) and Master of Technology (M.Tech) for a duration period of two years in biotechnology. The college also offers part-time M.E and M.Tech programs for the working professionals, for which the course duration is three years.
Here is the FEE STRUCTURE:
1st year: 50000
2nd year: 50000
here you can check the cut off in MTECH:
Is it possible to make corrections in the online application of TANCA 2021 BEFORE LAST DATE ? CONTACT NUMBER ??
The site said only those candidates will be allowed to make corrections whose completed online applications along with payment of requisite fee ( the extra fee ) have been received by the specified period.
Hence you had a chance to change your credentials but have to pay some extra fee .
i successfully applied my tanca counseling for tancet category using my tancet registered mail id . i would also like to apply for gate category, why cant i use my tancet registered mail id for gate category registration ?
see if you have applied on gate exam and successfully cleared the exam then you are eligible to apply for tanca in both gate based counselling and counselling based on tancet score. Applicant should use a valid and functional e-mail id and a valid and functional mobile number for registration in online application. This email id and mobile number must be active, you must have regular access to these, since all the communication to the candidates will be sent only to the registered e-mail id and mobile number.
however there is no provision that you can not use tancet registered main id to gate category process.
you may contact with officials regarding this issue,
for clarifications, contact 044 - 2235 8401, 8402 /
My tancet score is 67 percentile score. My rank is 750 community wise in tanca 2020.What colleges can i expect for Mtech Biotechnology?
Hello aspirant,
Hello student,
TANCET cutoff for 2020 will be released soon in the official website of Anna University. Actually the cutoff trend changes every year. So it is quite difficult for us to tell about the exact colleges in can get. You also have not mention your marks here. However in the rank you can get those colleges
- Saint Joseph's College of Engineering
- RK Engineering College
- psg College of Technology
Click click on the link below to know more about the
TANCA rank has been released for Mtech courses. Is the rank printed is overall degrees or only for my course code?
Dear Applicant,
I hope you are doing well, about your question TANCA has indeed released its score for admission in courses so the rank given to you is based on what marks you have achieved in the entrance exam only. There will be a separate rank for also those students who have appeared in GATE.
Refer this link to know a few things or access your rank.
Hope this help!!
Hii my normalised mark in tancet 2020 was 87.592 and my overall rank was 515 and mbc rank 88. Is it possible for me to get biopharma in anna university through tanca ?
Hello,Since the number of seats offered is lower in university campus but since it is self supporting course you have a chance. Other government seats has a minimum cut off of 90.You can try for management quota in private colleges.But if you choose bio technology you have a higher chance of securing a seat in top institutions.
Best of luck.
Hii my normalised mark in tancet 2020 was 87.592 and my overall rank was 515 and mbc rank 88. Is it possible for me to get biopharma in anna university through tanca ?
Hello,Since the number of seats offered is lower in university campus but since it is self supporting course you have a chance. Other government seats has a minimum cut off of 90.You can try for management quota in private colleges.But if you choose bio technology you have a higher chance of securing a seat in top institutions.
Best of luck.
My TANCA Rank in Gate category is 71 and general commuity ?? will i get M.E Structural in GCT coimbatore ??
There have a high possibility of getting Government College of Technology - [GCT], Coimbatore with your Rank. But as cutoff depends on several factors like number of students appeared, toughness of question paper etc, so it's a possible result based on previous few year cutoff data.
Click on the link for more information of the Institution: