Good colleges for UG courses in Mass communication
List of top mass communication Colleges is provided below:-.
- IIMC - Indian Institute of Mass Communication:- It is one of the best mass Communication college in the country , in 2019 it is been ranked 1 by India today
- A.J.K. Mass Communication Research Centre
- UoH - University of Hyderabad
- SIMC Pune - Symbiosis Institute of Media & Communication
- Manipal School of Communication, Manipal
- UNIPUNE - Savitribai Phule Pune University
- Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media
For detailed information go through our page the link for the same is given below
are mithibai college forms for ug courses released?
Greetings, aspirant!
Mithibai College is one of the most reputed colleges in all of Mumbai. It's well known for the wide range of UG courses it offers.
As of now, the official website of the college does not mention any updates regarding admission to UG courses. The notices put up by the management are regarding SYs and TYs.
The results for HSC are not out yet in Maharashtra. They're expected to be released by the 15th of July. Admissions to UG courses will then begin shortly after the release of results.
Hope this information helps
Best of luck!!
are college forms out for ug courses?
Hello Aspirant,
As per the latest updates Fergusson College, Pune has not released any notification regarding admissions for Undergraduate programs for session 2020-21.
Due to alarming circumstances in our nation because of outbreak of Corona Virus as a global pandemic there is too much delay in admissions process.
Keep watch in official website as given below for latest updates :-
For more details about Ferguson College, Pune you should refer to the link given below :-
I hop this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
When is the online application form filing procedure of University Commerce College, Jaipur going to start for UG courses 2020?
Dear Aspirant,
The admission for University Commerce College Jaipur start in the first week of June. But due to this pandemic situation there is delay in this procedure.
The contact number for admission is mentioned on the official website. You can contact them for to get tentative date for admission
Hope this helps
how to get into iisc for research based ug courses
IISC is the most reputed institue when it comes to science and research and it requires really good knowledge and marks to get into IISC.
Here is the admission process of IISC -
1.) After 12th std candidate has to give either KVPY, IIT -JEE, NEET in order to get selected for BSc-MSc dual degree programme.
2.) If you apply after Bsc then you have to give JAM OR JEST in order to get selected for I ntegrated Phd.
IISC has no Msc programme or Bsc programme.
One has to either take dual degree programme or Integrated Phd or Phd.
Thank you and all the best.
Please provide me with the website link to fill the admission form online of S S Jain Subodh PG College, Jaipur for UG courses 2020.
Is an outstanding SAT score alone enough to get into MIT or Stanford University for UG courses?
Farhan, your higher secondary board scores i.e your GPA range and your rank will also greatly contribute to your admission process in along with a good SAT score.
You should check the official website links of the two colleges for more information