how can i prepare ugc net exam subject commerce? please suggest me.
Hi Dear,
Preparation for UGC NET requires a lot of dedication and Time management as the syllabus is vast. Here are few tips which can help you in your preparation:
- Study topic wise and Make your own notes
- Refer to Youtube, Unacademy and Graduation and PG Books for your preparation.
- Prepare well for Paper -1 as it is comparatively scoring
- Solve each and every past year questions
- Give atleast 8-10 mocks before you actually appear for the exam
- Divide your time between paper 1 and paper 2.
There is no one best book for commerce subject as there are application based questions and you need proper understanding of each and every topic. Research, study and make notes. Practice questions and revise.
Good Luck
I want to attempt UGC net exam.Now iam pursuing my masters in distance.does it have any effect on that exam???or does not matter?
If the university from where you're pursuing your Master's Degree is recognized by UGC, your degree will be valid and you'll face no problem in appearing for NET as far as you fulfill other criteria like age limit and educational qualifications, just to let you know people from recognized universities such as IGNOU can definitely go ahead with UGC NET/CSIR NET, so you have to check whether the university is recognized by UGC, and secondly one needs to have 55% in Master's Degree in the subject one wants to appear for UGC NET, in case of reseved categories there's relaxation of 5%. those in the final year of their qualifying examination too are eligible to apply, provided they are able to able to show proof of their qualifications at the time of admission.
What is UGC NET exam ? What is SET exam?
What is the UGC NET Exam?
Commonly known as the UGC NET, the university grants the commission National Eligibility Test. The entrance test is also conducted to choose the leading eligible aspirants for the specific post of Assistant Professor for universities/ colleges level lectureship & the (JRF) Junior Research Fellowship.
Details About The UGC NET Exam
NET (National Eligibility Test) is usually conducted on behalf of the UGC ( Universal Grants commission) to determine the actual eligibility of Indian nationals for an Eligibility of Assistant professorship, the Junior Research Fellowship, for Indian colleges & Universities.
Until June 2018, this NET was organized by CBSE in eighty-four subjects in ninety-one cities across the entire country. After that, for December 2018, this UGC NET is being held organized by NTA (National Testing Agency).
Awarding of the Junior Research Fellowship &/ Eligibility for the Assistant professorship generally depends on the aggregate performance of the aspirant in papers I & II of this UGC NET. The aspirants also qualifying only for the assistant professorship are not to be considered for a Junior Research Fellowship award. Aspirants eligible for this eligibility test for the Assistant professorship are also governed by the regulations & rules for the recruitment of the Assistant professor of concerned universities/ state governments/ colleges as the case can be.
Aspirants who generally qualify for this Assistant professor only are not eligible for the award of this JRF. Aspirants who typically qualify for the test for the Eligibility for the Assistant Professor are also governed by the regulations & rules for the recruitment of the Assistant professor of concerned colleges/universities or the state governments.
Check NET UGC Life Science Syllabus (
UGC NET is organized twice each year. Due to the postponement of December 2020 UGC NET at the time of the pandemic, the specific schedule of June 2021 UGC NET has also been delayed. For regulating these UGC NET exam cycles, this ( NTA) National Testing Agency, with the main concurrence of this UGC, has also merged both UGC NET of December 2020 & June 2021 cycles so that they also be conducted together in this CBT mode. This application method is then being responded to for new applications to fill in & submit their forms.
UGC NET Examination is organized by NTA ( National Testing Agency) to determine the eligibility of aspirants for JRF / the post of Assistant professor in the Indian colleges & universities. Each year lakhs of aspirants appear for this UGC NET, and only a few can crack this examination.
Junior Research Fellowship will also be eligible to pursue the research in their postgraduate subject from the IIT's / another national organization. Like aspirants also qualify for the specific post of Assistant professor in universities/ colleges of India.
Award of the Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for the assistant professor both/Eligibility for the Assistant professor only depends on the aspirant's specific performance in both papers of this UGC NET in the aggregate.
Who Will Conduct UGC NET Exam?
This UGC NET Examination was also initiated by the UGC & later. This CBSE also conducted this NET in eighty-four subjects at ninety-one centers across the whole country. From December 2018 onwards, the primary responsibility of this UGC NET has also been transferred to NTA ( National Testing Agency), which has been established as the premier & the autonomous testing organization for fellowship/ admission in the higher educational institutions.
if you want to know how to crack Net Life Science click here
UGC NET Exam Details
Notification of UGC NET June
Due to the postponement of this December 2020 UGC NET in the specific view of Covid 19 Pandemic, the main schedule of June UGC NET has also been delayed. To regularize this UGC.
NET examination, the NTA ( National Eligibility Test) with the main concurrence of the UGC, has also merged both UGC NET of December 2020 & June cycles to be organized in the CBT model. The application process is then being responded to for the trendy applicants to fill in & submit their forms.
The aspirants who have also registered for the UGC NET of the 2020 December cycle but have not been able to complete the specific application methods can also complete & submit the particular application form online on the particular website.
The Schedule of June UGC NET 2022 is as follows:
UGC NET dates have released the public notice regarding this UGC NET examination in June. This official notification for the examination was released on January 4th & 5th, 2022. The date wise & subject wise schedule for this UGC NET 2020 December & 2021 June examination for the Phase III and rescheduled of four subjects of Phase I, Phase III of UGC NET 2020 December & 2021 June Examination & the four reschedules net topics of Phase I are also scheduled to be conducted on 4th & 5th January 2022. This date wise & subject wise & the shift wise schedule of Phase I for four subjects & Phase II, for 02 issues to also be conducted in the CBT mode.
Preparation tips for UGC NET 2022 (
Aspirants who have generally applied for the UGC NET 2022 must begin their specific preparation well before the time. Although the test is the most challenging exam in this country, aspirants can utilize some particular tricks to help them perform better in the examination. Following this, below are some specific tips that students can use to prepare.
i have done masters in arts in environmental education. Am i eligible for UGC NET exam?
Hello student yes if you've secured more than 55 %marks in post graduation then yes you're eligible as eligibility criteria says - Candidates must have post graduate degree in Humanities,social science, computer science and applications and electronic science etc with minimum 55 percent are eligible.
For more updates refer to the link mentioned below -
Feel free to comment if you have any doubt
Good luck
Among csir net and ugc net exam what is good for pursuing PhD in chemistry I m currently doing msc chemistry.. And in which csir or ugc the options for jrf and lectureship can be filled in form?
As you're pursuing MSc in Chemistry, you need to appear for CSIR NET as it's conducted for five science subjects namely Life Science, Chemical Science, Mathematical Science, Physical Science,Earth Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Science.
Out of aforementioned ones,you have to apply for Chemical Science, it's Eligibility Criteria is passed Master's degree in relevant field with 55% aggregate for General Candidates, in case of reserved categories there's relaxation of 5%. You can also apply while enrolled in Master's Degree Program but this degree needs to be completed within two years(validity to avail the fellowsip).
You can apply for only one among JRF and Lecturership/Assistant Professor, however if you fulfill the criteria for the post of lecturership or assistant professor, you'll considered eligible for both the post. Upper age limit for JRF is 28 years, while relaxation is provided to other categories.
For more details,please visit the official website at