If I had got 56 marks in BSC bed course so is there any chance of mine to take admission in central university of South Bihar .
Hello arya
For the rank you have achieved in BSC bed course. you can get seat in government colleges and have less of getting in central University of South Bihar. You can expect your seat in few government colleges. As you have chance of getting seat in few colleges so choose the right college in which it has best placement, best ranking , faculty, management. For more information about the colleges and courses please go through the below link
All the best
Sir I got 43.25 marks in CUSET exam in paper 2.Will I get admission in Central University of Karnataka for Integrated geology course?
The Central University of Karnataka offers degree and integrated programs at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate level.
The programs offered are in the streams including Humanities and Social Science, Engineering, Science, Business and Management studies and IT and Software.
Students will be considered eligible for UG programs if they have passed 10+ 2 examinations in the relevant discipline from recognized institutions, and a bachelors degree for PG programs with a minimum of 40% to 50% aggregate marks.
Sir mu UR Rank in BIHAR engineering is 5980 and EWS Rank is 950 can i get Bhagalpur ,muzaffarpur ,gaya, bakhtiyarpyur in last round please
Chances are there that you will get an admission. Your categorical rank is also high. For MIT Muzaffarpur the general rank cutoff was :- 5k. You may not get ELectrical engineering, Civil engineering,mechanical engineering. You can apply for the rest of the branches. You will get one for sure.
Hope it helps!
Computer software engineering in diploma
The course is diploma in computer engineering not computer software engineering . It is a 3 year diploma programme which is meant for students who have passed 10th std . The major areas of teaching include Microprocessor architecture , Basics of programming , Database management system , Image processing , Computer graphics , Systems design , Computer Maintainance , Cyber security etc:
The top colleges which offer this course are :
Thakur polytechnic
K.J Somaiya polytechnic
Vidyalankar polytechnic
Institute of technology
DR. D.Y Patil school of polytechnic
Vartak college
Is BA eng. hons. there in mumbai university and in which colleges ?
Bachelor of Arts in English Literature is one of the most popular courses. University of Mumbai provides this course via many colleges. Some of the top colleges are listed below -
Jai Hind College.
Ramnarain Ruia College.
st. xavier's college.
Kirti M. Doongursee College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
KJ Somaiya College of Arts and Commerce or KJSCAC.
Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science and Amrutben Jivanlal College of commerce.
In 2018-19 I took admission FYBMM but my health problem I am not passed FY Now I want change my subject and again to take admission in FY BA
It is possible to change your course after one year if you discontinue the previous course which you have been taking. Since you have health issues and there is ample proof for that such as medical certificates and medical reports, your University might consider you to choose FY B.A. for this year if you qualify their eligibility criteria.
Can I get admission for msc physics with 82 prcnt at because level
With a percentage of 82% in the undergraduate level in the Bachelor of Science course in Physics it is quite possible for you to get a seat i.e. get admission in any of the colleges that provide the post graduation degree course in physics i.e. the Master of Science in Physics course.
I got 367 and belongs to st cat in karnataka with h/k reservation there is any chance to get gov seat???
Congratualulations for getting good rank, and fot this you will definitely get a seat in government college, and you have one more advantage of H/K reservation also. So, in counselling first give priority to Government college seat in Karnataka and after that select next top colleges. So All the best for your future.
Where will I get the offline admission form and also the online pre-enrolment form?
Since it is late to answer this query, I hope you have successfully completed the admission process. Refer to the official website for details and do let us know if you have any other queries
Good Luck!
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I got 87.3% in HSC Maharashtra. Can I get BSC Biotechnology in SIES College Sion ?
Hello Geetha,
SIES college,Sion falls under the category of good and well known college.the college provides bsc biotechnology course for duration of 3 years.The eligibility criteria for getting a seat in BSC biotechnology in SIES college is to atleast score 50% aggregate in the subjects physics,chemistry and biology.After eligibility,the admission is strictly done on the basis of MHT-CET score.The better you score in MHT-CET the better chances you have to get a seat.MHT-CEt score above 85+ have chances for getting a seat as the cutoff varies around that.
hope this may help you.