I failed to fill the application form before the given date. Now 1st merit list has been uploaded. What can I do now for admission in bmm?
Hello aspirant,
AS you are saying that you have forgotten to fill the admission form before the last day than it is very much clear that you can't get admission into that college even if you have cleared it's merit list, because to get you considered for the process one must fill the form.
Don't worry there are many other colleges, you can try in them and please be more careful in the dates.
Hope it helps, best of luck for your future endeacours
i want to take addmission in Kalina University for B. Com. i filled the form but they are telling me to select colleges for admission.
Hello Jyoti,
The thing is that the form filled by you is for admission in bunch of colleges as it is joint admission process. To get a fixed centre like you mentioned Kalina University and if they are asking for your choice of colleges then colleges will be alloted to you according to the priority order filled by you. You can either only fill Kalina University or just add this at the top most priority in the colleges and keep other names for backup in case you need it.
Hope it helped you..
I applied for msc physics program in Mumbai University online.i didnt submit any offline form. is that ok?
There is only need to submit the form online there is not need to submit the offline form. So if you have gone through the online stuff then there is no need. All the very best for the results.
Is NIOS valid in mumbai university?
Hello Vihaan,
Yes, The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is valid in Mumbai University. Here are the eligibility criteria for admission in mumbai university through NIOS -
The above document is not just for NIOS, but it also includes NIOS.
Hope this helps.
my rank is 6257 in cusat and i am from LC OBC category.will i get admission in cusat in first allotement
Congratulations on securing this rank.
Based on the cutoffs of previous years, I can say that you will get admission in cusat with you rank.
You can visit https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/cusat-cat-cutoff to know about the previous year cutoffs of CUSAT.
You can also use the CUSAT college predictor by visiting https://www.careers360.com/cusat-cat-college-predictor?icn=cusat_cat_CP_Header&ici=clevertap-sticky-web to get a list of colleges where you can take admission with your rank.
Hope that helped.
All the best!
Hi,I am a working professional and I have attended Tsicet 2019. I would like to know the colleges where I can attnd without resigning my job
Osmania University MBA (Evening) Part-time: Applications are invited from eligible working employees /executives for admission into the following Evening Program offered at Dept. of Business Mgmt. Osmania University Campus for the academic year 2019-
Course - MBA (Evening - Part-Time)
M.B.A. (Evening) Part Time Course is a three years six semester program being offered at: Department of Business Management, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad. Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE), O.U. Campus, Hyderabad and Certain Private Affiliated Colleges (if approved)
Admission into this course will be based on the Rank obtained in TS ICET-2019
Eligibility Criteria
A pass in Bachelor degree of Osmania University or a degree recognized by the university as equivalent thereto
The candidate seeking admission must qualify in the TS ICET-2018 entrance exam and satisfy the norms prescribed by the University and
Must have at least two years experience in Executive/Managerial/Administrative position in any organization after obtaining the bachelor degree (or)
Officers/Executive/Engineers working with any govt. /quasi govt./ autonomous bodies/local authorities with post-bachelor’s experience of two years (or)
Officers of the Defence Forces/establishments holding administrative, executive post with not less than 2-years-experience after obtaining bachelor degree
Fee Details
Dep. of Business Management, Osmania University, Campus, Hyderabad Rs.27050/-
Institute of Public Enterprise, (IPE) O.U. Campus, Hyderabad Rs.69000/-
Certain Private Affiliated Colleges Rs.16000/-
Application Form can be downloaded from the Website of Osmania University websites www.osmania.ac.in and www.ouadmissions.com
Can you guide me regarding procedure of M.com admission from IDOL?!
Hello Priya,
Visit the official INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE AND OPEN LEARNING, UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI site below and fill in your details -
IDOL - http://idoloa.digitaluniversity.ac/
Create and account and register yourself. Provide details as required.
Admission Notification for JULY 2019 - http://mu.ac.in/portal/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Admission-Notification1.pdf
Hope this helps.
Which course shd mu son do if he get 48% in 12 sicence?
All the courses are equally good and there are immense opportunities in every field. But the most important factor to conquer any field is interest.
So I will suggest you, to choose the course in which he is interested, then only he will be able to give his 100%.
Though marks are important, but do not choose your career on this basis.
Your son's marks are enough to get admission in good private colleges.
Hope this helps,
My son failed in maths subject in HSC exam in science, he will appear in july exam, if passed in the subject what is Bsc admission process
The admission process will be same as per rule i.e: