What about the fees structure for BBA course in this college
as there is diffrent fees structure bba in diffrent colleges. talking about the ip university the fees structure is about 1 lac per year. and the cource is for 3 year. fees get low for every year for the secound year the fees will be around 90,000 and it goes on like this and now talking aboiut the private colleges. the fees strucure is like 2.5 lacs for 1 semister i.e for 6 months and in private colleges the fees get increses accordingly. i mjust suggest you to go for ip university.there are many colleges that comes under ip university all yoiu have to is just to crack the BBA CET ec=xam and have to score best rank and then you will get the best college under ip universoty such as VIPS or MAHARAJA AGRESEN. so all the best. if syou still have any question then ask in comment section below. have a great future ahead.
What is the fee structure 0f PGDM course for this college
Hi Manoj,
PGDM Fee structure 2018-2020 for Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems and Management, Hyderabad is
Admission Fee- 45,000 /-
Tuition Fee I Year- 3,15,000 /-
Tuition Fee II Year- 3,00,000 /-
Total fee - 6,60,000 /-
Good Luck!
how is vishwa vishwani for mba?
Vishwa MBA reviews
Hope this helps.
Good Luck.