Can I get Electronic Engineering VLSI Design at VIT Chennai in cat 3 or 4... my rank is 47444
With a rank of 47,444 in VITEEE 2024, securing admission to Electronics Engineering (VLSI Design) at VIT Chennai in categories 3 or 4 might be challenging. Historically, branches like Electronics and Computer Engineering at VIT Chennai have closed around a rank of 42,000, which is slightly higher than your rank. However, trends can vary based on the number of applicants, preferences, and seat availability. You can explore other branches or campuses under category 4, as it has higher fees but lower rank cutoffs.
For more details you can visit the link given below
I got 27K. Can i get ECE in VIT chennai at cat 2 or ece vlsi at cat1 ?
With a rank of 27,000 in VITEEE, it may be difficult to secure admission into the Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) or VLSI Design branches in VIT Chennai under Category 2 or Category 1. Typically, these branches have higher demand and competitive cutoffs. The VITEEE cutoffs for top branches tend to be lower for Category 2, but securing a spot in ECE or VLSI Design with your rank seems challenging. For further details, you can check the official VIT Chennai admission page.
For more details you can visit the link given below