I was absent in my additional subject but if I get pass in other 5 subject in wbchse class 12 . will it hamper gov exam like neet?
Hello Applicant!!!
Yes as per the policy of the subjects, you get a total aggregate of 50% in your Subject combinations to be eligible for NEET. The marks will be calculated without taking the 6th subject combination into regard. But you are again suggested to go through the information brochure another time before filling the NEET form for updated information.
Hope it helps!!!
Wbchse class 12 science group best books (at least 2 book/subject)
Physics best books: HC Verma, SL Arora
Check the link below for more details:
Chemistry Best books: Dinesh Self Master in Chemistry, Pradeeps's New Course Chemistry
Check the link below for more details:
Mathematics: RS Agarwal, RD Sharma
Check the link below for more details:
Biology: CBSE Biology Chapterwise Solved Papers class 12th by Arihant Expert, Together with Biology by S.Chand Biology by Campbell and Reece
Check the link below for more details:
Hope your doubts are cleared. Thank you.
I want few years wbchse class 12 HS questions.
I suggest you to please search it on google cause we cannot provide external link in our platform due to some terms and conditions. But we are help you to reach at that level. So, you just have to search it on google what you want and download it. Still, if you face any problem then comment we help you to resolve it.
best of luck