How is my academic profile for best MBA institute like iim, irma,xlri,iift, mica, getting admission in which of these easy as ofmy academics
Overall you have a very strong profile now you need an excellent performance in CAT exam. If you can get above 99.6 percentile in CAT then you will definitely get calls from all IIMs and with a decent interview & WAT round you can get admission
Christ. NMIMS.XLRI.symbiosis out of this which is better??
As per the analyzing report of Careers360 XLRI has AAAAA rating which means exceptional, Symbiosis has AAAA ratiing which means very good, NMIMS has AAAA rating which means very good and Christ University has AAA rating which means above average. The rating is based on the research of the colleges on the placement, Faculty & Industry exposure etc.
You can also check the genuine reviews of the colleges with the given below links.
Good Luck!
What percentile is required to get into any one of IIMS or IIFT or XLRI or NMIMS as per my profile?10th:82.1 12th:87.7 Engg:65.3 Work:12mon?
For XLRI you need to appear for XAT. You need to score 96 percentile and above to get a call for BM and 94 percentile and above for HRM. Besides you also need to clear sectional cut-offs.
How I have to score in xat to get a call from xlri as I in 70 percent marks in 10th , 12th and graduation?
You need to score 96 percentile and above to get a call for BM and 94 percentile and above for HRM. Besides you also need to clear sectional cut-offs.
Can I get a call from xlri as I had 70 percent in 10,12, and graduation ?
You need to score 96 percentile and above to get a call for BM and 94 percentile and above for HRM. Besides you also need to clear sectional cut-offs.
How much chances do I have of conversion of XLRI HR(got call). XAT 97.54 10:95%;12:91.83%;Grad CGPA:8.11;20 mnths exp
Hello Rohit! You have low chances of getting a call for HR from XLRI. As the cutoff for that is around 98+ percentile. For the percentile that you have scored you can get into many topnotch colleges. Go for them. All the best!
Ive scored 86%ile in XAT. Would I be able to make it to XLRI or XIMB?
You need to score 96 percentile and above to get a call for BM and 94 percentile and above for HRM. Besides you also need to clear sectional cut-offs.
You can get XIMB only if you are a Orissa Domicile.
XAT Score Overall: 97.539 Quantitative Ability: 83.023 Verbal and Logical Ability: 80.782 DECISION MAKING: 99.972 Chances of XLRI call?
hi rohit
there is chance to get a call from XLRI , because they are demanding for approx 90 percentile so best of luck for your future
thank you
Hi, I got 99.8 (DM), 95.4(Quant), 81.9(Verbal) and got 98.9 percentile (overall). But my GK percentile is 37.1.Will I get a call from XLRI?
navya , chances are high to get call from XLRI because you overall percentile is 98.9 percentile and this is enough to get call and admission in XLRI, XLRI requires 92 percentile so all the best
thank you
best of luck
What are my chances with XAT Overall Percentile 97.2, QA-97, VA-86.8, DM-89.1 and GK-77 in XLRI
The expected cutoff for the institutes are
HRM- 92.5%
GMP- 70%+
Refer to the below article to know more about the participating institutes cutoff
And through the XAT pathfinder you can find out about the institutes you can expect a calls from
Thank you