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Area Of Equilateral Triangle

Area Of Equilateral Triangle

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 29, 2024 11:09 AM IST

The amount of space an equilateral triangle occupies on a two-dimensional plane is known as the area of an equilateral triangle. By counting how many unit squares will fit inside a polygon, its area can be determined. A square having a side of 1 unit is referred to as a unit square since "unit" here refers to one (1). If you know how long each side of an equilateral triangle is, you can determine its area.

What Is An Equilateral Triangle?

Triangles come in a variety of forms. The equilateral triangle is the simplest triangle in geometry. A triangle is considered to be equilateral if all of its sides are equal and all of its angles are 60 degrees.

What Is The Area Of An Equilateral Triangle?

The region enclosed by the triangle's three sides is referred to as the area of an equilateral triangle. Square units are used to express it. The equilateral triangle area formula is used to calculate the area that each of an equilateral triangle's sides occupies in a 2D plane. Calculating the area of an equilateral triangle is quite simple. Following is the general formula for calculating the area of a triangle where the base and height are known:

Area = ½ * Base * Height

Although the equilateral triangle's area can be calculated using the following formula:

Area= \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}a^{2} 1706506610590

Here, ‘a’ represents the side of an equilateral triangle.

How Do You Calculate An Equilateral Triangle's Area?

To determine the area of an equilateral triangle using the side length, perform these steps:

Step 1: Take note of the equilateral triangle's side length measurement.

Step 2: Use the following formula to determine the area of the equilateral triangle, \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}a^{2} , where a represents the equilateral triangle's side length.

Step 3: Use the correct unit to express the result.

Properties Of An Equilateral Triangle

An equilateral triangle has several significant characteristics, including:

  • A triangle with three equal sides is said to be equilateral.

  • Equiangular triangles are sometimes known as equilateral triangles. This indicates that all three internal angles are equal to one another and that the only value for each is 60 degrees.

  • It has three regular sides and is a polygon.

  • If and only if all three of the smaller triangles' circumcenters are equally spaced from the centroid, a triangle qualifies as being equilateral.

  • If and only if any three of the smaller triangles have the same inradius or perimeter, a triangle is said to be equilateral.

  • In short, the area of an equilateral triangle refers to the space that it occupies.

  • An equilateral triangle's area is \frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}a^{2} 1706506610830

  • An equilateral triangle has a perimeter of 3a.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is an equilateral triangle?

A triangle is considered to be equilateral if all of its sides are equal and all of its angles are 60 degrees.

2. How is the area of a triangle calculated?

Following is the general formula for calculating the area of a triangle where the base and height are known:

Area = ½ * Base * Height

3. Define equiangular triangles

Equiangular triangles are sometimes known as equilateral triangles. This indicates that all three internal angles are equal and that the only value for each is 60 degrees.

4. What is the perimeter of an equilateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle has a perimeter of 3a. Here, ‘a’ represents the side of an equilateral triangle.


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