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Area of Parallelogram (Definition, Formulas & Examples)

Area of Parallelogram (Definition, Formulas & Examples)

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Sep 18, 2024 06:14 PM IST

A variety of quadrilaterals created by parallel lines is called a parallelogram. In a parallelogram, the opposite sides must be parallel, however, the angle between them may vary. Opposite sides of a parallelogram must be parallel and congruent. Consequently, a quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel and equal is referred to as a parallelogram. There are three basic categories of parallelograms: square, rectangle, and rhombus. The region or space a parallelogram occupies in a two-dimensional plane is known as the area of a parallelogram. The total number of unit squares that can fit inside a parallelogram is its area, which is measured in square units.

Area Of A Parallelogram Using Base And Height

Consider a parallelogram with ‘b’ as the length of the set of one of its parallel sides and height equal to ‘h’.

Using the base length ‘b’ and height ‘h’, the area of the parallelogram is given by the following formula:

Area = base ⨯ height

A = bh

Area Of A Parallelogram Using Side Lengths

Consider a parallelogram whose height is not known but the length of its sides is given. Let the lengths of the set of parallel sides of the parallelogram be equal to “a” and “b”. Let the measurement of the angle between adjacent sides of the parallelogram be equal to \alpha 1706511721421.

The area of the parallelogram can be calculated using concepts of trigonometry.

We know, the area of a parallelogram is equal to base times height.

Using trigonometry, the height can be written as:

Height = b\sin\alpha 1706511722364

Hence, the area using the side lengths is given by the following formula:



It can be noted that if the angle between the adjacent sides of a parallelogram is equal to 90^{\circ} 1706511721752 then, it becomes a rectangle.

Since, \sin90^{\circ}=1


The area of the parallelogram which is a rectangle becomes equal to ab.

Area Of A Parallelogram Using Diagonal Lengths

Let ABCD be a parallelogram with the diagonal lengths BD equal to d_1 1706511722125and AC equal to d_21706511723446 . Suppose the angle between these intersecting diagonals is equal to \theta 1706511721053.

The area of the parallelogram with the given specifications is calculated using the following formula:

A = \frac{1}{2} d_1 d_2 \sin\theta


Area Of A Parallelogram In Vector Form

If the sides of a parallelogram are given in vector form then different formulas can be used to determine the area of a parallelogram. Take into consideration a parallelogram with vector ‘a’ and vector ‘b’ as its two sides. Let us say ABCD is a parallelogram with AB and DC equal to vector ‘a’ and AD and BC equal to vector ‘b’. Then,

Area = Mod of cross-product of vector a and vector b


A=|a \times b|


Let the diagonal vectors AC equal to vector d_1 1706511722188and BD equal to vector d_2 1706511723294. Then,


& \vec{a}+\vec{b}=\overrightarrow{d_1} \\

& \vec{b}-\vec{a}=\overrightarrow{d_2} \\

& \Rightarrow \overrightarrow{d_1} \times \overrightarrow{d_2}=(\vec{a}+\vec{b}) \times(\vec{b}-\vec{a}) \\

& =\vec{a} \times(\vec{b}-\vec{a})+\vec{b}(\vec{b}-\vec{a}) \\

& =\vec{a} \times \vec{b}-\vec{a} \times \vec{a}+\vec{b} \times \vec{b}-\vec{b} \times \vec{a} \\

& \because \vec{a} \times \vec{a}=0, \vec{b} \times \vec{b}=0 \\

& =\vec{a} \times \vec{b}-0+0-\vec{b} \times \vec{a} \\

& \because \vec{a} \times \vec{b}=-\vec{b} \times \vec{a} \\

& \overrightarrow{d_1} \times \overrightarrow{d_2}=\vec{a} \times \vec{b}+\vec{a} \times \vec{b} \\

& =2(\vec{a} \times \vec{b})=2 A \\

& A=\frac{1}{2}\left|\overrightarrow{d_1} \times \overrightarrow{d_2}\right|




Consequently, the area of the parallelogram when diagonals are given in vector form is equal to half the mod of the vector product of the diagonals.


  1. Given a parallelogram with a base equal to 4m and height equal to 7m, find the area of the parallelogram.

Solution: Given base = 4m and height = 7m

Area = base ⨯ height

Area = 4m ⨯ 7m = 28 sq. m

  1. If the angle between adjacent sides of a parallelogram is 30 degrees and the length of two parallel sides is 6cm and 5cm respectively, then find the area of the parallelogram.

Solution: The area of a parallelogram using sides is given by:



Given, a = 6cm and b = 5cm

\sin\alpha = \sin30^{\circ} = 0.5


Area = 6 ⨯ 5 ⨯ 0.5 = 15 sq. cm

  1. If the base of a parallelogram is twice its height and the area of the parallelogram is equal to 32 sq. units, then find the base and height of the parallelogram.

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Solution: Let the height = h units

The base will be = 2h units

Given, area = 32 sq. units

This gives,

Base ⨯ height = 32

h ⨯ 2h = 32

h ⨯ h = 16

Hence, h = 4 units

So, the height is equal to 4 units and the base is equal to twice the height which is 8 units.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a parallelogram?

A quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are parallel and equal is referred to as a parallelogram. In a parallelogram, the opposite sides must be parallel, however, the angle between them may vary.

2. What is the area of a parallelogram?

The region or space a parallelogram occupies in a two-dimensional plane is known as the area of a parallelogram. The total number of unit squares that can fit inside a parallelogram is its area, which is measured in square units.

3. How to measure the area of a parallelogram?

The area of a parallelogram can be measured using different methods. It can be measured using:

  1. Height and base of the parallelogram

Area = base ⨯ height

  1. Sides of the parallelogram


Where a and b are the lengths of the sides

  \alpha     is the angle between two adjacent sides

  1. Length of diagonals of the parallelogram

A = \frac{1}{2} d_1 d_2 \sin\theta


d_1 and d_2are the length of diagonals and \theta is the angle between these diagonals.

4. Is it possible to find the area of a parallelogram without using height?

The area of a parallelogram can be determined both ways, using the height      as well as without using the height. If the height of the parallelogram is not known then its side length of diagonals' length can be used to calculate the area of the parallelogram.

5. What is the perimeter of a parallelogram?

The whole distance around a parallelogram's geometric shape is called its perimeter. It is equal to the sum of all four sides of a parallelogram. A parallelogram's opposite sides are equal, hence the perimeter is equal to 2 times the sum of its two parallel sides. I.e  P=2(a+b) where a and b are the lengths of the sides


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