MPs Full Form

MPs Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Mar 15, 2023 04:28 PM IST

What is the full form form of MPs?

MPs stand for Members of Parliament. The Rajya Sabha may hold 250 members, but there are now 245 members. Of these, 12 members are nominated by the President and come from a variety of artistic and intellectual backgrounds. The obligations and liabilities of Rajya Sabha members are listed below:

  • Passing legislation

  • Evaluating the performance of the governing party

  • To approve the government-planned spending

  • To present the opinions of those in their areas

  • Making legislation regarding services at the state or national level.

Eligibility Criteria

A few terms must have to satisfy to become a Member of Parliament of the Lok Sabha

  • Candidates must be Indian citizens.

  • Candidates must not be younger than 25 years old.

  • Candidates should be a sound person

  • Candidates must not be sentenced to two or more years in jail by the court.

  • Candidates must be registered to vote in any Indian by the parliamentary district.

  • A recognised political party candidate must have one proposer from their district in order to be nominated.

  • Candidates running alone require 10 proposers.

  • Candidates must provide a security deposit of 25000 rupees.

This Story also Contains
  1. Eligibility Criteria
  2. Disqualification grounds
  3. Salary
MPs Full Form
MPs Full Form

Disqualification grounds

  • Holds any profit under the Indian Government (other than an office permitted by the Parliament of India by law)

  • Is mentally unstable

  • Is bankrupt

  • Has lost his Indian citizenship

  • Is prohibited from doing so by any law passed by the Indian Parliament

  • Has a record of bribery convictions

  • Has received punishment for engaging or advocating in social offences like sati, dowry, or untouchability

  • Has been fired due to corruption or state disloyalty


India pays approximately 2.7 lakhs rupees monthly to Members of Parliament, it includes the pension given to the to ex-MPs. All the pension and monthly salaries of MPs are governed by the Member of Parliament Act, of 1954. The act is in accordance with constitutional requirements, according to which members of either House of Parliament are entitled to earn salaries and allowances from time to time. A joint committee of both houses oversees the regulations controlling salary, allowances, and benefits including housing, telephone access, daily allowance, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who is an MP?

A Member of Parliament represents the citizens of their electoral district in the legislature. Members of the upper house frequently go by different names in many nations with bicameral parliaments, so MPs solely apply to lower house members in those legislatures.

2. What is the major responsibility of MPs?

Its legislative responsibility is passing Indian laws in the Lok Sabha. And its oversight responsibility is to guarantee that the executive, government carries out its responsibilities successfully.

3. When were the first MPs formed in the Indian Lok Sabha?

The first set of Members of Parliament were elected on 17 April 1952.

4. What can be the maximum strength of the Members of Parliament in Lok Sabha?

According to article 81 of the Constitution of India 1949, the maximum strength of MPs in Lok Sabha can be 552.

5. What is the term for MPs?

Member of Parliament’s term is five years from the date of appointment.

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