NCSE Full Form

NCSE Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 06, 2023 10:25 AM IST

What is the full form of NCSE?

NCSE stands for National Center of Science Education. It is a non-profit organization that guides the normal public about educational and scientific aspects. Its main teaching is about evolution and climate change. Also, it provides many helpful resources for study to schools, students, parents, and everyone required to keep this topic in Public Schools. It is not mainly any religious community, they do collaborate with some religious groups but together with that it also collaborates with educational and scientific groups. It is neutral about religious aspects and always refuses to take sides.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of NCSE?
  2. NCSE: national center of science education
  3. Milestone
  4. Staff and supporters
  5. Financial report
NCSE Full Form
NCSE Full Form

NCSE: national center of science education

NCSE was founded in 1981, nearly about 40 years ago. Its headquarters is located in Oakland, California, US. Its main focus is always promoting science education and science standards as it is a non-profit organization formed for science education. NCSE is a member of NCAC(National Coalition Against Censorship).


  • In 1981, it was formed with the main purpose of spreading knowledge about Science information together with evolution.

  • In 1987, its first full-time employee Eugenie G Scott, a physical anthropologist became the executive director of the organization.

  • In 1999, it got recognition in the New York times.

  • In 2010, started a Teacher Support Program Launched for supporting and helping teachers with resources.

  • In 2012, the climate change issue was added.

  • In 2014, a new executive director was assigned, Ann Reid, director of the American Academy of Microbiology. Also had the first National Survey of Climate Change which showed only 30 percent of science teachers provide students with scientific evidence about climate change and so started expanding its reach by publishing monthly newsletters about the scientific aspects.

  • In 2021, many more programs started, main three were, Investigating Science Education, Catalysing Action, and Supporting Teachers.

  • In 2022, it unveils 15 lesson seats for teachers which can be later used by them to correct students' misconceptions about evolution, climate change, and the nature of Science.

Staff and supporters


  • Executive Director: Ann Reid

  • Deputy Director: Glenn Branch

  • Director of Community Science Education: Kate Carter

  • Director of Teacher Support: Lin Andrews

  • Program Coordinator: Emma Doctors

  • IT Specialist: Stuart Fogg

  • Member Relations Manager: Nina Hollenberg

  • Director of Operations: Rae Holzman

  • Director of Development: Deb Janes

  • Editor, Reports of the NCSE: Paul Oh

  • Director of Communications: Paul Oh

Officers and Directors

  • Kenneth R. Miller, President

  • Lorne Trottier, Vice President

  • Michael Haas, Treasurer

  • Vicki Chandler

  • Sarah B. George

  • Michael B. Lubic

  • Michael Mann

  • Naomi Oreskes

  • Barry Polisky

  • Benjamin D. Santer

Financial report

Its financial report for the year 2021:

Total income - $2,022,565

Out of which 76% was by individuals ($1539788), 17% was by foundation ($340000) and 7% was earned ($142777).

Total expenses - $1378745

Out of these 61% in program and events ($803661), 22% in general and administration ($301129), and 17% in fundraising ($229541).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is NCSE a non-profit organization?

Yes, National Center for Science Education (NCSE) is a non-profit membership organization in the United States.

2. What is the work of NCSE?

It works with the stated goals of supplying information and resources to schools, parents, and other citizens working to keep evolution and climate change taught in public schools, as well as educating the press and the public on the scientific and educational aspects of debates surrounding those subjects.

3. Who started NCSE?

It was started by Stanley L. Weinberg, a seasoned high-school teacher in Iowa.

4. When was NCSE started?

It was started as a statewide Committee of Communication in 1980 and later in 1983 established as NCSE.

5. NCSE is affiliated with which organization?

NCSE is affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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