NICL Full Form

NICL Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 28, 2023 03:01 PM IST

National Insurance Company Limited is how NICL is officially referred to. One of the top general insurance providers in India is this one. It is the property of the Indian government's ministry of finance.

The company, which has its headquarters in Kolkata, was established in 1906 by Gordhan Das Dutia and Jeevan Das Dutia. Nationalisation of The National Insurance Company and Asian Insurance Company happened in 1972.


Insurance and other financial services are provided by NICL, which increases growth, productivity, and shareholder value by managing human capital, innovating, and upholding good corporate governance. A few additional crucial details of NICL are provided in the table below:

Full form

National Insurance Company Limited


Financial Services

Head Office


Total Offices across India


Official website

Area Served

India and Nepal


Ministry of Finance, Government of India

History And Progress

In order to realise the nationalist dream of Swaraj, National Insurance Company Limited was founded in 1906.

  • In 1972, NICL was nationalised and became a division of India's General Insurance Corporation (GIC). After the General Insurance Business Nationalisation Act was approved in 1972, it was united with 21 foreign and 11 Indian companies to form National Insurance Company Limited, which is owned entirely by the Indian government.
  • It is one of the General Insurance Company's four subsidiaries (GIC). The Insurance Business Nationalisation Act of 2002 established NICL as a distinct organisation.
  • In April 2004, NICL and Nainital Bank reached an agreement to distribute NICL's basic financial products through the bank's locations in New Delhi, Uttarakhand, and Haryana.
  • NICL serves Nepal in addition to being a top insurance company in India. The organisation has a sizable presence with more than 1730 offices, over 13000 trained employees, and more than 50000 Agents scattered around the nation.
This Story also Contains
  1. History And Progress
  2. Vision of NICL
  3. Management
  4. Product and Services
  5. NICL Exam
  6. NICL Selection procedure
  7. NICL AO: What Is It?
  8. NIACL AO's Function
  9. Career Growth At NICL

Vision of NICL

Building relationships and expanding financially are key components of the NICL's objective to become the most popular option for clients seeking general insurance. It concurs in the vision -


  • to handle our business with the utmost integrity.
  • to perform and serve to a high standard.
  • integrating people and processes through technology.


An efficient Board, headed by the Chairperson, governs the National Insurance Company Limited. Currently, as per some reliable sources, NICL has a total of 10,669 employees. Smt. Suchita Gupta is the chairman & MD of NICL.

The following are the duties performed by National Insurance Company Limited:

  • to provide risk management guidance to state agencies so they can inexpensively and successfully protect their assets.
  • to protect public resources.
  • to transfer all remaining monies to the government exchequer after covering all administrative costs.
  • to produce sufficient reserves to improve risk retention capability.
  • to provide coverage whenever the national government determines for assets other than public properties

Product and Services

It provides its clients with a vast array of insurance services. The company's insurance offerings can be grouped into a number of business lines:

  • Personal insurance products, such as those for health, property, and personal accidents, are also available.
  • Vehicle insurance that offers coverage for all motor vehicles
  • Rural insurance
  • Insurance for businesses and industries
  • Marine
  • Engineering
  • Some other miscellaneous Services as well.


Candidates are chosen via the National Insurance Company Limited (NICL) exam for the position of operational officer. Candidates from all around the country are looking for a way to work as Officers in the financial industry, and NICL gives them that chance.

In NICL, recruitment is done for the three main positions. These consist of

  • Administrative Office
  • Assistant
  • Accounts Intern

The NICL Administrative Officer test, which is one of the three positions stated above, is one of the most sought-after exams in the nation. The fact that NICL Recruitment is one of the top options for candidates countrywide looking for a way into the insurance industry despite the fact that it is not an annual recruitment process is due to the exceptional job stability and potential for career progression it offers.

Another insurance exam, NIACL, is administered similarly to NICL in order to find qualified applicants for the positions of administrative officers and assistants.

One of the primary factors in millions of applicants' desire to work for the insurance company is the NICL wage. The organisation offers numerous benefits and allowances in addition to offering a reputable permanent position, which is a distinct advantage.

We provide to you the whole NICL AO salary structure, along with the base pay, incentives, and other advantages offered by National Insurance Company Limited, in order to keep the candidates motivated.

An administrative officer at NICL earns a salary of -

Rs.32795-1610(14)-55335-1745(4)-62315. Candidates from all across the country wait for an opening to join this insurance company because the exam is not held annually. Obtaining the title of Administrative Officer at NICL has several benefits, including a lucrative salary and a wealth of perks and allowances.

NICL Selection procedure

The three stages of the NICL selection procedure are the preliminary exam, the main exam, and the interview. In the years that followed, the NICL made the decision to hire people by adopting a three-phase screening process as the number of applications rose. To be considered for the position, candidates must advance through each of the three rounds.

  • Preliminaries: The first step in the hiring process is the NICL preliminary exams. It is a key skills test that is given to applicants online. During the initial screening, some candidates are disqualified, and those who pass the test are invited to go to the next level.

  • Mains: Candidates who passed the preliminary round will take part in the NICL AO mains. An online test is used to assess a candidate's career potential. Those that succeed in the major exams will be invited to the last stage of the hiring procedure.

  • Interview: When candidates are invited in for an interview, both their language skills and the skills required for the various NICL positions are assessed. During the interview procedure, the authorities check the candidates' required papers. So, the applicant needs to be truthful and sure of their abilities.

In addition, positions for agents and staff on a permanent and contract basis are advertised. Candidates can read the attached article to learn more about NICL.

NICL AO: What Is It?

One of the positions of the National Insurance Company Limited is the NICL AO. NICL Administrative Officer is the full name for the position.

One of the most well-known positions in the nation is the administrative officer, and candidates from all over the nation eagerly anticipate registering for the NICL AO exam. Although the exam is not held every year, candidates' anticipation of the notification of the exam every year is unmatched.

Since the previous NICL AO test was administered in 2017, candidates have been awaiting the official NICL notification for the Administrative Officer post from the conducting organisation.

The NICL AO announcement is being given to candidates in order to tell them of the most recent exam pattern, important exam and application dates, number of positions released, eligibility conditions, and other critical information regarding the recruiting process.

NIACL AO's Function

In management, there is an NIACL AO. He or she oversees data entry operations and provides assistance to AOs as needed. They are primarily responsible for underwriting, claims, and accounts.

The data entry process known as underwriting includes entering, accessing, accepting bids, and retrieving financial data in addition to authorising and distributing policies and entering, accessing, and entering financial data.

Claims involve using an insurance rating system and responding to enquiries about the extralegal and legal ramifications of customer claims. Last but not least, accounts entail performing financial transactions and producing balance sheets.

Career Growth At NICL

A candidate at NICL can seek for advancements as an administrative officer. There are several opportunities for career advancement at NICL, where internal promotions are decided upon through examinations and interviews. An employee must have worked for the company for at least five years—rarely, only three years—in order to be promoted. Compared to banks, promotion status moves slowly and takes a while.

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