NPOP Full Form

NPOP Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 04, 2023 04:30 PM IST

What is the full form of NPOP?

NPOP is a program launched by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to develop farmers and food processing techniques. It is a certification-based training program launched in 2001. The government has implemented many schemes and started numerous initiatives to support this program.

NPOP stands for National Programme for Organic Production. Keeping in perspective the concerns of food production processes, the government implemented this program for the sustainable and well-directed development of agriculture and food products.

NPOP and its objectives

The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) manages the National Programme of Organic Production. Its main function is to provide an organized system for the certification of organic products and certification-providing bodies. The certificate is given after the completion of the training.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of NPOP?
  2. NPOP and its objectives
  3. NPOP certification process
  4. Certification process eligibility and categories
NPOP Full Form
NPOP Full Form

It also plays an important role in encouraging the Indian Organic Industry on the international platform. Indian Organic Product export list has grown to more than 50 countries, and it is expected to grow more with the schemes and initiatives started by Government.

NPOP certification process

The National Programme of Organic Production has more than 32 accredited certification organizations. These organizations process the certifications after reviewing the production, processing, handling, storage, and transport of organic products in the country.

These organizations also monitor the quality and standard of organic products.

Here is a step-by-step process for reviewing various factors of organic production:-

  • These organizations review the cultivation process implemented in growing organic products.

  • They monitor land management, machinery, pest management, etc., included in the cultivation.

  • After production, the processing of the products is the next step. Here the storage, basic handling, and all other before ready-to-transport activities are observed.

  • Once the products are ready to export, they are transported. Here the organizations note what services are used in transportation and how the quality is ensured during the transportation duration.

Certification process eligibility and categories

Certain eligibility criteria exist for organizations and products that must be fully filled in to be certified. For example, organizations, individuals, and societies must comply with ISO guide 65 if willing to work in the certified organic products sector.

As per the ISO guide or manual, these firms and societies should be actively engaged in programs related to developing organic agriculture and products. And they should be doing so for a minimum of one year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is NPOP?

NPOP is a program launched to encourage organic products in 2001. It stands for the National Programme of Organic Production.

2. Difference between NOP and NPOP?

USDA NOP applies to food, feed, and personal care products. While Indian government launched NPOP to ensure the standard for developing and exporting organic products.

3. What are NPOP and Apeda?

NPOP is the program launched by the Indian government to develop organic products, and APEDA is the managing authority of the NPOP program.

4. How can I get NPOP certificate?

The third-party accreditation organizations review the complete process of developing organic products, and then if you pass the standard criteria, you can get certified.

5. Is it hard to get NPOP organic certification?

You can get certified conveniently if you comply with the rules and regulations and maintain the development process.

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