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ODP Full Form

ODP Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 04, 2023 11:17 AM IST

What is the full form of ODP?

ODP stands for "Ozone Depletion Potential". As the name suggests, it measures the relative potential of a chemical to cause depletion in the ozone layer compared with trichlorofluoromethane. The depletion leads to climate change and Damage of human health.

In this article we will first learn how the ozone layer is formed, and what leads to its depletion. Also, study how Ozone Depletion Potential is measured. In the end, how can we protect the Ozone layer and what measures have been taken for now.

Formation of ozone layer

It is considered that the ozone layer was formed around six hundred million years ago to protect earth from harmful UV rays, by absorbing almost 99 percent of the Ultra violet rays. It is part of Earth's stratosphere and contains Ozone (O3). The amount of atmospheric ozone present is measured in the Dobson unit. It was named after the honour of G. M. B Dobson, who developed Dobsonmeter, by which atmospheric ozone could be measured.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of ODP?
  2. Formation of ozone layer
  3. Depletion of ozone layer
  4. Measurement of Ozone Depletion Potential
  5. Measures taken to protect ozone layer depletion
ODP Full Form
ODP Full Form

Depletion of ozone layer

Ozone layer protects our DNA, which could have led to skin cancer. But this layer is slowly turning into an ozone hole. Depletion is larger in the winters and lesser in summers. It is the phenomenon where the ozone layer starts thinning up when bromine and chlorine molecules come in contact with ozone molecules. The greater problem is that destruction of the ozone layer is quicker than its natural construction. Molecules like methyl bromide when comes in contact with sunlight, release bromine molecules which deplete the ozone layer. Such molecules are the main cause of ozone depletion, and are emitted by Industries.

On May 16, 1985, depletion of the ozone layer was first found by three British scientists, in the south pole. This led to the growth of studies conducted on Ozone Layer. Finally knowing the cause, harmful chemicals, mainly CFCs were banned. New research has shown that there is decline in the depletion after the ban.

Measurement of Ozone Depletion Potential

Ozone Depletion Potential is measured relative to CFC-11 with an Ozone Depletion Potential of 1.0

If the numbers go more than 1.0 it is considered to be of high potential. And if it is less, then it's of low potential.

Below is the name given for some compounds and it's Ozone Depletion Potential:

Compound Name


Compound Name








Nitrous oxide






Carbon dioxide






Measures taken to protect ozone layer depletion

Knowing Ozone Depletion Potential of compounds have helped us to figure out the right solution to protect our ozone layer.

Seeing the seriousness of the problem, in 1994, the UN General Assembly made 16th September as the International Day for Ozone prevention. This had caused increase in awareness regarding the issue, also taking serious steps

Below are some of the following steps that had been taken to prevent Ozone Depletion.

  1. The Montreal Protocol: The Montreal Protocol was adopted in 1947, but came into work from 1989. Its protocol ensures that proper and practical measures were taken to stop the production of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS), and replace them with safer substances. One of its achievements include: Prevention of 2 million skin cancer by 2030.

  1. General Measures:

  • Use of refrigerators & ACsthat do not use CFCs as their coolants

  • Using wood products and plywood that are not treated with methyl bromide.

  • Control over vehicle use to reduce carbon dioxide production

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who discovered Ozone Layer?

The ozone layer was discovered by Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson in 1923, and its properties were explored by G. M. B. Dobson, a British meteorologist, who also invented the Dobsonmeter.

2. Distance of Ozone Layer from earth to Ozone Layer

Distance of Ozone Layer from earth is around 15–30 km above earth’s surface.

3. The compound with highest Ozone Depletion Potential?

The compound with highest Ozone Depletion Potential is CFC-11.

4. The compound with Lowest Ozone Depletion Potential?

The compound with lowest Ozone Depletion Potential is Hydrofluorocarbons because it has no chlorine content.

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