PGR Full Form

PGR Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 04, 2023 02:34 PM IST

PGR stands for Plant Growth Regulators. These regulators are naturally produced by plants. These are small and simple chemical molecules used for the growth and development of plants. These are active even at very low concentrations. These are also known as phytohormones or commonly as ‘plant hormones.

PGR Full Form
PGR Full Form

What are Plant Growth Regulators(PGR)?

Plant Growth Regulators are nothing but some substances which are used to inhibits plant growth. These are the organisms and the hormones which can function and develop growth in plants. They work on rapid growth and development of the plants. PGRs enhance cell division, cell expansion, flowering, fruiting and see development. PGR are also responsible promoting dormancy and abcission.

Characteristics of Plant Growth Regulators(PGR)?

  • PGRs are simple and small chemical molecules with diverse compositions.

  • All PGRs have specific functions in a living plant body.

  • These regulators are involved in the growth promotion of plants.

  • They play an important role in wounding and stressing biotic and abiotic origins.

  • They can be gaseous, terpenes or carotenoid.

  • Everything like weather conditions affect PGRs.

  • Plants create PGRs for spontaneous natural control on the growth and development.

  • These PGR are synthetic and naturally made for growth.

  • They have a short term effect on the growth.

  • They need to be reused regularly to attain the desired growth.

Functions of Plant Growth Regulators(PGR)?

  • PGRs are responsible for a variety of growth and developmental in the plants.

  • PGRs regulate boost branches and shoots.

  • PGRs work on returning bloom.

  • PGRs work on limiting surplus fruit.

  • PGRs work on changing the maturity of the fruit.

  • PGRs promotes shoot growth.

  • PGRs promotes root growth.

  • PGRs promotes cell enlargements.

  • PGRs enhance cell division in plants.

  • PGRswork on wilting and formation of leaves, flowers and fruits.

History of Plant Growth Regulators (PGR)?

The discovery of PGR was started with the famous Chrles Darwin and his beloved son Francis Darwin. During the early days, they both had observed some substance of the canary grass which is now known as Photropism. It is the growth of coleptiles towards the light source on the canary glass.

After this observation, the fater duo performed a series of experiments and conclude that this observed growth is possible due to a presence of a spreading substance which later on discovered as the Auxin.

Types of Plant Growth Regulators(PGR)?

PGRs are very diverse based on their chemical compositions. They are divided into different classes based on the chemical structure of the hormones. They have the same physiological effects on growth and development but their chemical structure varies. Based on the action of regulators, two classifications are as follows:

  1. Plant Growth Promoters: This are the regulators responsible for the growth and development of the plants. Some of these are listed below:

  2. Auxins

  3. Gibberellins

  4. Cytokinins

  1. Plant Growth Inhibitors: These are the regulators which limit the process of development and growth of the plants. One of these listed below:

  1. Abscisic Acid

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the full form of PGR?

The full form of PGR is Plant Growth Regulators.

2. What is the role of PGR?

The role of PGR is to regulate growth and development in the plants.

3. Is there any side effects for PGR?

There is no known side effects of using PGR. But, all PGR have different results on different plants.

4. Who discovered PGR?

Charles Darwin and his son.

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