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AC Generator - Definition, Parts, Works, Function, Diagram

AC Generator - Definition, Parts, Works, Function, Diagram

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 20, 2022 02:31 PM IST

What is AC Generator?

AC generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The generator is usually divided into a type based on power supply, namely AC and DC. For a DC manufacturer, the mechanical supply is one direction, and the opposite applies to an AC manufacturer. With these differences in input delivery, internal performance varies for developers.

The Ac generator, its construction, how the EMF is drawn, its components and its use, and much more will be discussed here in this article. Roller rings are used in AC to produce alternating current in the machine. The electricity generated or current begins to switch one to both types of generator.

Definition of Ac generator

A machine that converts the power of a machine into an electric current from a current output or a voltage source known as an Ac generator. This machine operates under Faraday's import law of Electromagnetic. Here, the Direct Current voltage is generated by rotating inside a fixed coil, like a large power generator producing AC current.

By applying Fleming's right-hand rule, the index of current changes in productivity is determined.

What are the parts of Ac generator?

Here is a list of parts of the Ac generator, including the yoke, permanent magnets, coils or wires for wires, pole section, arm, pole shoe, slip rings and brushes. The frame that serves as the protective cover of the generator is known as the yoke. All of the above are within the yoke. Magnets produce magnetic fields. The four-wire coil AB, BC, CD, and DC is housed inside the magnet.

The armature flux causes the production of an arm cell. Surgery is performed smoothly, using smooth rings. The rings are attached to the brush where it passes now. As the sliding rings pass smoothly on the brushes, they prevent twisting of the wires.

Working of ac generator or Generator working principle of ac

Ac generator diagram

Ac generator diagram

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How generator works: -

An AC generator creates an alternating current that periodically reverses direction. But in DC generator direct current flows in one direction. The two ends of coil are attached to commutator which balance charges to and from the generator, thus resulting in current that does not alter direction.

To better understand the operation of the Ac generator, let's consider a simple loop generator installed under the influence of a magnet.

AC Generator Parts and Function

NCERT Physics Notes :

AC Generator Parts and Function

A loop attached to a magnetic field called ABCD; as mentioned earlier, the wire loop is called AB, BC, CD, and DC. With the help of an external shaft that acts as the main shaft, the loop is rotated.

The magnetic flux lines will run from left to right and from the north pole to the south pole. With the help of a shaft, the loop rotates as it cuts off the magnetic field. This improves the EMF, which makes the current flow through the conductors. With the help of Fleming's right-handed law on generators, the current

Fleming's right-hand rule gives which direction the current flows. The right hand is held with the thumb, index finger and middle finger mutually perpendicular to each other index is determined.

The loop rotates; the law determines the current direction within wire AB. With a half cycle, the current flows into the AB wire. With the loop around the loop, the current inside the AB loop goes back to another loop. The same process is performed for other cables.

Slide rings are attached to the end of the loop and are responsible for the movement of the strings as the loop is rotated. It now passes through the slip ring to the brushes and is loaded as it passes through the smoothness of the brushes.

Throughout the half-cycle of the loop, the current direction is changed. By using a galvanometer, we can see the current exchange at the end of the load. This is how a current alternating generator generates a variable or current voltage.

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The Main Point!

From the article above, we had an overview of the current dynamic Generating. The machine converts electrical energy into electrical energy and provides output in the current exchange or power supply. In addition, the above article gives you an insight into the functional, practical, and practical aspects of daily life.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the principle of ac generator? State the principle of ac generator

According to Faraday's law of electromagnetic input, the Ac generator is operational.

As the coil rotates, it undergoes change in the magnetic flux. According to Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, electrons are transmitted by an EMF embedded in a coil that generates electricity generation. The circuit is closed with a load (lamp), where the current is interacted with the environment as the flow changes naturally.

The rotating coil is known as the rotor, and the field pillars as the stator.

But in reality, Ac generators or alternators are designed in such a way that the rotating part (Rotor) is a magnetic field. Conversely, the coil is stationary (stator) of the machine.

2. What is the use of an Ac generator?

The use of Ac generators is a very widespread feature in many applications such as, In cars, there they are known as alternators power generation from wind turbines power generation from hydroelectric dams Ac generators have usually many significant advantages over given DC Generators:

  • The design is simple.
  • Maintenance costs are low.
  • Loss is minimal
  • The size of the machines is consistent.
  • Ac generators are cheaper to produce

It is easy to go up and down the power generated by an Ac generator with the help of transformers

These are the definitions that Ac generators are the most advanced technology in many systems.

3. What is an Ac generator?

An alternating current generator is a device that produces a potential difference. A simple ac generator consists of coil of wire rotating in magnetic field. The Ac generator installation is powered by steam turbines, electric turbines and fire engines. The output is an alternating current with current and current.

4. How does an Ac generator generate electricity?

Ac generators operate according to the Faraday law. As the armature rotates between the poles of the magnet on the axis directly facing the magnetic field, the coordination of the armor varies continuously. As a result, the emf is inserted into the armature. As a result, electrical power enters through a galvanometer and slippery brushes and brushes.

5. What are the factors that EMF produced in another alternator depend on?

The EMF produced depends on the number of armature coil turning, the magnetic field, and the speed of the rotating field.

6. What are the other advantages of Ac generators over DCs?

Ac generators can be easily upgraded and lowered with converters. The loss of Ac generators is very small compared to DC equipment.


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