Everybody in this world requires the use of energy to perform daily basic activities. Energy can mean any form, it can be in sunlight form or it can be in electricity form.
imagine we don't have grinders at our home and we have to centrifuge out the butter then it would become too much difficult to centrifuge the butter through our hands. So everyone in this world is dependent on energy sources in many different ways. Energy sources are classified into two different resources that are termed to be renewable resources and nonrenewable resources which come under the category of natural resources.
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These resources play a vital role in human life as they provide them with the easiest way to perform daily activities such as the requirement of water is a basic necessity for a human being to live. Without water, no one can imagine life and water is a kind of renewable resource.
Before going to renewable and non-renewable energy sources we first have to learn about natural resources. Natural resources are those resources which are formed naturally in the environment without the interference of human activities.
These resources are a basic part of daily human activities and help to support life. Natural resources can be classified into two different types that are renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
There are many different examples of natural resources without which we can not imagine our life and these include air Soil and Water. There are some other examples of the natural resources also on which our life depends indirectly.
These are those energy resources which produce renewable energy.
These are defined as the door's resources which have unlimited Supply and can be replenished easily at the same rate on the way that they are used. These resources can also be depleted but only when we are not conserving these resources.
solar energy-
This is the most basic kind of renewable resource that is needed by every human being and almost everyone that lives in this environment. This energy can be used for many activities such as to generate heat or electricity. The heat can be generated with the help of many solar panels and mirrors. Solar panels are basically made up of solar cells and they are used to convert sunlight into electricity in a cheap way. There are many kinds of solar resources that are available in our environment that works on the principle of solar energy which includes solar cookers.
Wind :
The other most important source of renewable resources is wind.
We cannot imagine our life without wind. The wind is also used for many different purposes such as to generate electricity with the help of wind turbines. Wind turbines have blades that convert the energy given by the wind into rotational energy and that rotational energy is again converted into electrical energy.
Geothermal energy :
As the name suggests it is a thermal energy which remains present inside the Earth. This is the energy that arises during the formation of the planet and also through the radioactive decay of many materials such as alpha particles.
Hydrothermal energy :
The energy that is derived from the kinetic energy of the flowing water is termed to be hydropower or water energy. For example, When the water falls through the hilly areas very fast and it is used to generate electricity and to run many power machines.
There are many different resources that are built to capture the hydropower that includes the Dam.
The energy that is generated with the help of ocean tides is termed tidal energy.
There are many different advantages of renewable resources as they can be renewed and replenished very easily
The energy that is obtained from renewable resources is termed to be the inexhaustible energy that is not limited.
Renewable resources of energy do not produce any Greenhouse so it does not lead to pollution.
These types of resources can be easily replenished.
Renewable resources of energy are unlimited resources.
The cost of Maintenance of renewable resources of energy is very less.
The renewable resources plant is very much difficult to set up.
Solar energy is not used in the nighttime and also not in the winter.
These resources have very little efficiency.
The resources that take a very long time to form in the environment and cannot be renewed very easily are termed to be non-renewable resources. These resources take a very long time to form and deplete very quickly. There are many examples of the non-renewable resources of energy that play a great role in our daily life such as minerals. But these resources will be depleted easily if we use them in an overused way.
1. Fossil Fuels :
The most common example of a non-renewable resource of energy is a fossil fuel which is needed by every human being. These resources are formed by the continuous Heating and compressing of the organic matter that is present on the Earth's surface. These resources are formed by the dead and decaying remains of the animals and plants that are compressed under the Earth's surface by the many different activities. Some of the fossil fuel includes :
a) Crude oil :
Crude oil is defined as the non-renewable resource of energy that is taken out from the layer of many different Earth's crusts. This oil is also known as petroleum oil. This type of oil is present in between the rocks.
b) Natural gas :
The most important non-renewable source of the energy is natural gas and which is mainly composed of methane gas. It is used in daily activities in many different ways such as LPG called liquefied petroleum gas and CNG called compressed natural gas.
These resources are easily affordable
Non-renewable energy resources have high efficiency.
They provide a high amount of energy when compared with renewable resources
These resources cause more pollution
They are not easily formed
These resources lead to global warming
Coal is a non-renewable resource of energy that is made by the compression of organic matter which contains carbon and hydrocarbon. Burning of coal leads to large amounts of pollution.
Renewable | Non-renewable |
These are easily replenishable | These are not replenishable |
These resources do not cause pollution | These resources lead to pollution |
These resources have an unlimited supply | These resources have a limited supply |
Bioenergy :
It is a kind of energy as the name suggests that is generated from the biotic components of the environment. This type of energy is generated by using animals and plants. When dead and decay, part of the plant and animals are burnt out and it produces bioenergy. The body of plants and animals is made up of complex chemicals that are present in the body of the animal and plants generate a high amount of heat which can be used to produce electricity.
These types of resources can be easily replenished.
Renewable resources of energy are unlimited resources.
The cost of Maintenance of renewable resources of energy is very less.
21 Nov'24 05:48 PM
24 Sep'24 09:50 PM