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Alpha Particle Mass - Definition, Properties, Uses, FAQs

Alpha Particle Mass - Definition, Properties, Uses, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 20, 2022 05:43 PM IST

Here in this article, we will discuss about the alpha particle, charge of alpha particle, mass of alpha particle, what is an alpha particle, an alpha particle contains, a proton and an alpha particle, mass of alpha particle in kg, what is the charge of an alpha particle, alpha particle symbol, mass of alpha particle compared to proton, what is the mass of an alpha particle, mass and charge of alpha particle, mass of proton and alpha particle, alpha particle contains, charge and mass of alpha particle, speed of alpha particle, what is the value of alpha, mass of proton deuteron and alpha particle, etc.

Alpha Particle

We get alpha particles generally when there is radioactive decay. Also the alpha particles are known to possess an average kinetic energy of 5MeV and velocity in the vicinity of 5% of the speed of light. We also get alpha particles in high energy particle accelerators. They are considered to be highly ionized particles and have very low penetration depth.

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What is an alpha particle?

We know that the Alpha particles are the particles that consists of two protons and two neutron. The protons and the neutrons are tightly bound together with each other. Basically, they are emitted from the nucleus of some radionuclides during radioactive decay which is known as alpha-decay. An alpha-particle is similar to the nucleus of a normal helium atom that has four as its atomic mass. Alpha particles are also known as alpha radiation or alpha rays.

Mass Of An Alpha Particle

Mass Of An Alpha Particle is 6.644657230 × 10-27 Kg.

Now, let us discuss about the Characteristics of Alpha Particle

Charge of alpha particle+2
Alpha Particle Mass
Mass of alpha particle in GeV/c²3.727379378(23) GeV/c²
Mass of alpha particle in kg6.644657230(82) х 10⁻²⁷kg
Mass of alpha particle in amu4.001506179127(63) u
CompositionTwo Protons
Two Neutrons
ActivenessHighly active & energetic
Penetration PowerLow
Ionization PowerHighest
SpeedIn the order of 10⁷ m/s.
Mass of alpha particle in eV3.727379378(23) GeV/c2
Alpha particle mass number4
Alpha particle chargePositive
Alpha particle symbolα, & alpha2+, He2+.
Mass of alpha particle compared to protonMass of alpha particle = 4 × mass of a proton

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Fundamental Properties of Alpha Particles

  1. Alpha particles are the carriers of double positive charge of that of the proton, i.e., equal to the charge on the Helium nucleus.
  2. The mass of an α-particle is four times the mass of a Hydrogen atom, i.e., it is equivalent to the mass of the Helium atom.
  3. Generally, we find the range of the velocity of alpha particles in between 1.4 х 10⁷ m/s to 2.1 х 10⁷ m/s, depending on the source emitting/radiating it.
  4. Due to the large mass of alpha particles, the penetrating power of these particles is comparatively lesser. It is about 1/10³ times the penetrating power of beta rays and 1/10⁵ times to that of the gamma rays.
  5. In spite of having a large size and low perforating power, alpha radiation can be stopped by a 0.02 cm thick aluminium sheet.
  6. When alpha particles are stopped, they give rise to heating effects. In spite of the alpha particles having very low perforating power, they can easily cause burns on the human body.
  7. Because of their large mass and high-stepping speed, these particles have excessive ionizing efficiency. It means that due to a single alpha particle thousands of ions can be brought forth before being absorbed.
  8. The distance that an alpha particle travels in air depends on the radioactive source producing it. Generally at the normal pressure in air we can find the range of alpha particles deviating from 3 to 8 cm.
  9. Alpha particles also produce fluorescence in some of the substances, like Barium-Platinocyanide and Zinc-Sulphide (ZnS).
  10. Alpha particles affect the photographic plates fractionally.
  11. Alpha particles can be deflected both by electric & magnetic fields at smaller angles.
  12. Alpha particles can be garbled while passing it through thin metal foils.

Most of the Alpha particles were disordered at very small angles. But it has been found that a few of them got deflected at an angle greater than the right angle.

Uses of Alpha Radiations

Some of the uses of Alpha Radiations are:

For Treatment of Cancer Patients

We use alpha particles in the treatment of cancer patients. While treating cancer patients, the Doctors use a technique known as the Unsealed Source Radiotherapy. In this technique alpha particles like Radium-226 are inserted in tiny amounts into the cancerous masses. Generally we use Radium-223 to treat bone cancer.

Static Eliminator

We know that a static eliminator is a common technique which is used in industries like paper mills. With the help of this technique we are able to eliminate the static electricity in industries. The alpha particles attract free electrons towards themselves and as a result the potential of the static electricity is reduced.

Pacemaker Battery

We can increase the life of a battery by using alpha radiations as the source of energy in pacemakers. Alpha radiation of Plutonium-238 is considered as the best fuel source for heart pacemakers.

Oil Industries

Alpha particles are considered to be the best source of energy generally in remote areas. Alpha radiation of Strontium-90 is considered the best source to increase the life-span of batteries.

NCERT Physics Notes :

Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors are of two types

  1. Photoelectric smoke detector
  2. Ionization smoke chamber detector.

Ionization smoke chamber detectors are commonly found in household items that keep us safe by alerting smoke in our homes. A small amount of isotope of Americium, i.e., Americium-241 is used in these detectors as the source of alpha particles.

These alpha radiations ionizes the air molecules and allow a very small amount of current to flow between the electrodes. Due to this current the alarm rings.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is an alpha particle?

We know Alpha particles as the particles that consists of two protons and two neutrons. The protons and the neutrons are tightly bound together with each other.

2. What is the charge on alpha particles?

 The charge on the alpha particle is positive.

3. What is the mass of an alpha particle?

The mass Of an Alpha Particle is 6.644657230 × 10-27 Kg.

4. What does an alpha particle contain?

An alpha particle contains two protons and two neutrons.

5. What is the symbol of the alpha particle?

The symbol of the alpha particle is α.


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