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Difference Between Scalar and Vector - A Complete Guide

Difference Between Scalar and Vector - A Complete Guide

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Sep 24, 2024 06:11 PM IST

In this article we are going to learn about Scalar quantity, vector quantity , scalar and vector difference and many more.

What Is Scalar Quantity ?

A scalar quantity is a physical quantity with no direction and no magnitude.

Some physical quantities can be defined solely by their numerical value (in their respective units) without regard for directions (they have none).

The sum of these physical quantities is done using basic algebraic procedures.

Only their magnitudes are added in this case.

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Scalar Quantities Examples

There are many examples of scalar quantities; some of the more common ones are:

There are several vector quantity instances, some of which are listed below:

  • Mass
  • Speed
  • Distance
  • Time
  • Area
  • Volume
  • Density
  • Temperature

NCERT Physics Notes :

What is a Vector Quantity?

A physical quantity with both direction and magnitude is referred to as a vector quantity.

The unit vector is a vector with a magnitude of one and a direction of one. It is represented by a lowercase alphabet with a "hat" circumflex.

That's "û." And vector meaning in telugu is వెక్టర్

There are several vector quantity instances, some of which are listed below:

  • Linear momentum
  • Acceleration
  • Displacement
  • Momentum
  • Angular velocity
  • Force
  • Electric field
  • Polarization
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There are ten main types of vectors that are regularly used in mathematics.

The ten types of vectors are as follows:

  1. Zero vector
  2. Unit Vector
  3. Position Vector
  4. Co-initial Vector
  5. Like and Unlike Vectors
  6. Co-planar Vector
  7. Collinear Vector
  8. Equal Vector
  9. Displacement Vector
  10. Negative of a Vector

Null Vector or Zero Vector:-

When the magnitude of a vector is 0 and the starting point and terminus of the vector are the same, the vector is said to be a Zero Vector.

PQ, for example, is a line segment in which the coordinates of point P and point Q are the same.

The symbol for a zero vector is 0. There is no fixed orientation for the zero vector.

Unit Vector:-

When the magnitude of a vector is one unit in length, it is said to be a unit vector.

If x is a vector of magnitude x, then the unit vector is denoted by x in the vector's direction and has magnitude 1.

However, two unit vectors cannot be equal because their directions may differ.

Position Vector:-

A position vector is defined as any point X in the plane.

It just indicates the current location.

Let OX be a point in a plane that is perpendicular to the origin.

If O is used as the reference origin and X is an arbitrary point in the plane, the vector is referred to as the point's position vector.

Co-initial Vectors:-

It are a type of initial vector that is used in the initialization

When two or more vectors have the same starting point, they are said to be co-initial vectors. For example, Vectors AB and AC are co-initial vectors since they both have the same starting point A.

Like and Unlike Vectors:-

Vectors with the same directions are called like vectors, while vectors with the opposite directions are called unlike vectors.

Coplanar Vectors:-

Coplanar vectors are three or more vectors that lie in the same plane.

Collinear Vectors:-

Collinear vectors, also known as parallel vectors, are vectors that lie in the same or parallel line with regard to their magnitude and direction.

Equal Vectors :-

When two vectors have the same direction and magnitude, even if their initial locations are different, they are said to be equal vectors.

Displacement Vector:-

If a point is moved from position A to B, the vector AB denotes the displacement vector.

Negative of a Vector:-

If a vector has the same magnitude and direction as another vector, then any vector with the same magnitude but the opposite direction is said to be negative of that vector.

If two vectors a and b have the same magnitude but opposing directions, they may be represented as

a = – b

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What is the difference between scalar and vector

The following is the scalar quantity and vector quantity difference

In terms of the scalar and vector difference, the following points are crucial:
1.The scalar quantity is the quantity that has a magnitude.

The vector quantity, on the other hand, takes into account both magnitude and direction when describing its physical quantity.
2.Scalar quantities can be used to explain one-dimensional values; for example, a speed of 35 km/h is a scalar quantity.

Multidimensional quantities, such as temperature changes, may be represented using vector quantities, whereas multidimensional quantities, such as temperature changes, can be described using vector quantities.

3.When only the magnitude changes, the scalar quantity changes; however, when the vector quantity changes, both the magnitude and direction must change.

4.Scalar quantities conduct operations using standard algebra rules such as addition, multiplication, and subtraction, whereas vector quantities use vector algebra principles.

5.A scalar quantity can also divide another scalar amount, but two vector quantities cannot.

The upper points shows the difference between scalar quantity and vector quantity

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is force a scalar or a vector?

Despite the fact that a force has both magnitude and direction, it is still a force. 

However, the magnitude of some forces (such as the gravitational force) can be defined as a scalar quantity. 

To put it another way, while the gravitational force exerted on a particle is not a scalar, its magnitude is. 

2. Can you tell me if time is a vector?

There is currently no defined definition of time. 

Time, however, is not a vector quantity, but rather a scalar one, according to the scientific community. 


It goes forward in a straight line because its direction never changes. 

3. Is temperature a scalar or a vector quantity?

It's a difficult question, to say the least. 

I mean, depending on how the temperature is measured, it can be a scalar or a vector quantity. 

4. Difference between scalar and vector quantity or differentiate between scalar and vector quantity?

The following is the scalar and vector quantity difference

                                 Scalar Quantity

                              Vector Quantity

scalar is a quantity with only magnitude and no direction. 

A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. 

Regardless of how they are used, they are always one-dimensional. 

In terms of application, it might be one, two, or three dimensional. 

Only the magnitude of a scalar quantity can vary. 

The magnitude of a vector quantity can change, as can the direction in which it is applied. 

The standard algebraic rules apply to scalars.

Only vector algebra is relevant to vectors. 

A scalar quantity can divide another scalar quantity fully. 

There is no way for a vector quantity to divide another vector quantity. 

A scalar amount will always be the result of two scalars. 

A scalar or a vector quantity can be the outcome of two vectors. 

Scalar quantities include mass, length, time, and so on. 

Velocity, acceleration, Polarization, and other vector quantities are examples. 

5. What is Displacement Vector?

If a point is moved from position A to B, the vector AB denotes the displacement vector. 


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