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Electromagnetism - Definition, Force, Properties, Applications, FAQs

Electromagnetism - Definition, Force, Properties, Applications, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on May 31, 2022 04:31 PM IST


The electromagnetic force, a manner of physical contact that exists between electrically charged particles, is analysed in electromagnetism, a part of physics. When a conductor crosses the lines of force in a magnetic field, Michael Faraday discovered that an electric current can be generated. With his famous kite-flying experiments in 1752, Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity.

The force F experienced by a conductor of length L kept perpendicular to the magnetic field B is given by the equation F=ILB if a current I is flowing through it.

Electromagnetic fields, which are made up of electric and magnetic fields, contain the electromagnetic force, which is responsible for electromagnetic radiation like light. Together with the strong interaction, the weak interaction, and gravitation, it is one of the four fundamental interactions in nature that are often referred to as forces.

All chemical processes that originate from interactions between electrons of nearby atoms are governed by the electromagnetic force. Electromagnetism is widely used in modern technology, and electromagnetic theory serves as the foundation for electrical power engineering and electronics, including digital technology. The electromagnetic field can be described mathematically in a variety of ways. Maxwell's equations, in particular, describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated and transformed by one another, as well as by charges and currents.

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Electromagnetic Force:

The force between charged particles is known as the electromagnetic force. At rest, unlike charges are attracted to each other, whereas similar charges repel each other. Magnetic force is created by moving charges. Electromagnetic Force is the name given to these forces when they are combined.

The electromagnetic force, also characterized as the Lorentz force, is used to define electromagnetic phenomena, which incorporates both electricity and magnetism as distinct manifestations of the same phenomenon. The electromagnetic force is a major factor in defining the interior properties of most everyday items.

All chemical processes that emerge from interactions between electrons of nearby atoms are governed by the electromagnetic force. Electromagnetism is widely used in modern technology, and electromagnetic theory serves as the foundation for electrical power engineering and electronics, including digital technology.

With the exception of gravity, the electromagnetic force is responsible for virtually all phenomena encountered in daily life above nuclear scale.. The movement of these particles carries momentum, which is explained by electromagnetic forces.

NCERT Physics Notes:

Properties of Electromagnetic force:

The electromagnetic force has the following properties:

  • It obeys the concept of inverse squares.
  • The photon is an electromagnetic force field particle.
  • It has the potential to be both seductive and repellent in nature.
  • It is both a central and a conservative force.
  • It is a force with a long range.
  • It has a strength of around 1036 times that of gravity.


An electromagnet is a magnet whose magnetic field is supplied by an electric current. Wire looped into a coil is used to build electromagnets. The flow of electric current generates a magnetic field that is concentrated in the hole, which functions as the coil's centre. When the current is completely off, the magnetic field fades.

An electromagnet is a device that creates electricity to generate a magnetic field. The electromagnet was discovered in 1825 by British electrical engineer William Sturgeon, a former soldier who began dabbling in the sciences at the age of 37.

Applications of Electromagnets:


In television, electromagnetism is quite significant. Electromagnets produce the electron beam, which scans the image area. Similarly to how a monochromatic tube scans the screen in a television, the electromagnetic deflection brace deflects or bends the beams.


Electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy by speakers (motion). Mechanical energy compresses air and transforms motion into sound energy or sound pressure level (SPL). A magnetic field is generated when an electric current is passed through a coil of wire.

An electromagnet is put in front of a permanent magnet inside the speaker. An electromagnet is moveable, whereas the permanent magnet is set in place. The direction of the electromagnet's magnetic field is rapidly modified when pulses of electricity run through its coil. This means it is attracted to and repulsed by the permanent magnet, which vibrates back and forth.

The electromagnet is connected to a flexible cone composed of paper or plastic, which amplifies the vibrations and pumps sound waves into the surrounding air toward our ears.

Magnetic levitation trains:

Magnetic levitation is a technique for suspending an object using just magnetic fields as a support. Two sets of magnets are used in magnetic levitation trains, one to repel and push the vehicle off the track, and the other to propel the floating train forward at high speeds without friction. There are no moving parts in this technique. The train moves along a magnetic guideway that uses basic magnet principles to control the train's stability and speed.

Medical system:

Electromagnetic fields are being used in modern medical devices such as cancer hyperthermia treatments, implants, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Electromagnetism based sophisticated technology can scan even minute aspects of the human body.

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Electromagnetic field:

A classical electromagnetic field is created by accelerating electric charges. It is the classical equivalent to the quantized electromagnetic field tensor in quantum electrodynamics and is described by classical electrodynamics.

The fundamental SI unit is the ampere, which is part of a system of electrical units based mostly on the magnetic characteristics of electric currents.

Electromagnetic effect:

The influence of electric and magnetic fields on diverse materials is known as the electromagnetic effect. Water, for illustration, is dipolar in nature but partially aligned when it comes into contact with an electric field and is diamagnetic.


The branch of physics concerned with the effects of electric currents interacting with magnets, with other currents, or with themselves.

Principles of Electromagnetics:

The electromotive force induced in loop due to changing magnetic flux is equal to rate of change of magnetic flux threading loop, as per Faraday's Principle of Electromagnetic Induction. Moving bar magnet in and out of coil of wire can modify magnetic flux threading it.

Magnetism and Electromagnetism:

Electromagnetism is the science of charge and the forces and fields that accompany it. Electromagnetism encompasses the following: electricity and magnetism. For a long time, electricity and magnetism were considered to be two different forces.

Magnetic Force:

The attraction or repulsion that emerges between electrically charged particles as a result of their motion is known as magnetic force. It is the fundamental force that causes effects like the activity of electric motors and the attraction of magnets to iron.

Electromagnetic repulsion force:

The electromagnetic force, like gravity, is an infinite-range attracting force that influences everything in the cosmos; it is also a repulsive force that acts between charged particles.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Define Electromagnetism.

The electromagnetic force, a manner of physical contact that exists between electrically charged particles, is analysed in electromagnetism, a part of physics. The force F experienced by a conductor of length L kept perpendicular to the magnetic field B is given by the equation F=ILB if a current I is flowing through it.

2. What is Electromagnetic force?

The force between charged particles is known as the electromagnetic force. At rest, unlike charges are attracted to each other, whereas similar charges repel each other. Magnetic force is created by moving charges. Electromagnetic Force is the name given to these forces when they are combined. The electromagnetic force, also characterized as the Lorentz force.

3. What are the properties of the electromagnetic force?

The electromagnetic force has the following properties:

  • It obeys the concept of inverse squares.

  • The photon is an electromagnetic force field particle.

  • It has the potential to be both seductive and repellent in nature.

  • It is both a central and a conservative force.

  • It is a force with a long range.

  • It has a strength of around 1036 times that of gravity.

4. Define Electromagnetic effect.

The influence of electric and magnetic fields on diverse materials is known as the electromagnetic effect. Water, for illustration, is dipolar in nature but partially aligned when it comes into contact with an electric field and is diamagnetic.

5. Who discovered electromagnets and electromagnetism?
  • An electromagnet is a device that creates electricity to generate a magnetic field. The electromagnet was discovered in 1825 by British electrical engineer William Sturgeon, a former soldier who began dabbling in the sciences at the age of 37.

  • When a conductor crosses the lines of force in a magnetic field, Michael Faraday discovered that an electric current can be generated.


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