Semiconductor is a type of substance having electrical conductivity in between conductors and insulators . Some examples of semiconductors are silicon, germanium . In semiconductors electrons from the valence band get energy and jump to the conduction band, then the current starts flowing through the semiconductor. Semiconductors generally have 4 valence electrons in outermost shells. Addition of trivalent impurity to a semiconductor creates many p-type semiconductors and addition of pentavalent impurity to a semiconductor creates many n-type semiconductors.
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NCERT Physics Notes:
Types of semiconductor :
Though semiconductors are in two types: intrinsic semiconductor and extrinsic semiconductor. After learning what intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors are. In this article we will learn about extrinsic semiconductor definition, examples of extrinsic semiconductor, doping semiconductor, doping definition . By mixing a special type of impurities conductivity of the semiconductor can be controlled.
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What do you mean by doping?
Doping is known as controlled mixing of impurities in semiconductors .The impurities are called dopants .
Doped meaning in tamil is ஊக்கமருந்து
What is Extrinsic Semiconductor ?
Extrinsic semiconductor is a special kind of semiconductor which drastically increases the conductivity of the semiconductor by mixing impurities in a controlled manner . When the conductivity of a semiconductor gets increased by doping, then the semiconductor is called extrinsic semiconductor .
Extrinsic meaning in a semiconductor is not the part of the substance, or a foreign particle in the semiconductor. If we define impurity, impurities meaning in a semiconductor is not the constituent particle of the semiconductor, it means other substances like arsenic, phosphorus etc .
Extrinsic semiconductor examples : Germanium (Ge) and silicon (Si) doped with arsenic (As) , phosphorus (P) etc.
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Types of extrinsic semiconductor :
If pentavalent impurities or elements are dropped as impurities in the crystal of an intrinsic semiconductor in a controlled manner, the crystal thus formed is called an n-type semiconductor or n type extrinsic semiconductor.
Pentavalent impurities are called donors as they have five electrons in the outermost shell.
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Examples of n-type semiconductor: Arsenic (As) , phosphorus (P) acts as an n-type semiconductor in pure silicon (Si) or germanium (Ge) .
If trivalent impurities or elements are doped as impurities in a crystal in an intrinsic semiconductor in a controlled manner , the crystal thus formed is called a p-type semiconductor or p type extrinsic semiconductor.
Trivalent impurities examples/ Examples of p-type semiconductor : boron (Br) , aluminium (Al) doped in pure silicon (Si) or germanium (Ge) which works as a p-type semiconductor .
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The substances having electrical conductivity intermediate between conductors and insulators are called semiconductors.
The release of an electron creates a position known as hole , which is opposite in charge of an electron.
The separation between two consecutive energy levels in a solid is known as a forbidden band.
The energy band that is formed by energy levels in which the electrons of a substance can reside, is called valence band.
The energy levels possessed by the free electrons or conduction electrons of a substance constitute the band which is known as conduction band.
When germanium doped with indium, p-type semiconductor is obtained.
A semiconductor has generally valence electrons of 4.
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