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Inelastic Collision - Definition, Formula, Examples, FAQs

Inelastic Collision - Definition, Formula, Examples, FAQs

Edited By Vishal kumar | Updated on Sep 24, 2024 05:19 PM IST

In this article, we discuss the definition of collision. It also comprises elastic and inelastic collision and their examples, perfectly inelastic collision, momentum and change in kinetic energy in an inelastic collision and elastic collision etc.
Note: collision meaning in Tamil மோதல், Collided meaning in Hindi is टकरा, Elastic collision in one dimension in Hindi is मामूली टक्कर

What is a collision?

Within a short period of time if two or more objects apply forces on each other, then it is meant by collision. The force applied on one object by the other is called collision force.

Collision examples: Collision between the nail head and the hammer, collision between the floor and falling object.

Conservation of energy and momentum in two or more interacting objects is studied by collision. Due to collision, momentum is conserved but the kinetic energy is not conserved in some collisions. Based on kinetic energy conservation, collision is classified into three types. They are,

  • Elastic collision: Kinetic energy is conserved
  • Inelastic collision: Kinetic energy is not conserved/
  • Completely inelastic collision: Kinetic energy is not conserved and the objects are attached after colliding.

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What is inelastic collision?

If the kinetic energy of the colliding object is lost during the collision, then that type of collision is called an inelastic collision.

Inelastic collision examples:

There are many examples of inelastic collisions in our surroundings. Some of them are,

  • Two vehicles crashed.
  • Clay ball when thrown against the wall.
  • A vehicle hitting the compound.
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What is a perfectly inelastic collision?

A particular condition of an inelastic collision in which the two colliding objects stick to each other after the collision is called a perfectly inelastic collision.

Why is there a change in kinetic energy in inelastic collisions?

In an inelastic collision, the kinetic energy of the objects is changed to bind those objects together or energy is lost to the environment transferred into other forms such as heat. So, the kinetic energy is not conserved in an inelastic collision.

What is the inelastic collision equation?

Inelastic equation, m1v1i+m2v2i=(m1+m2)vf

Where m1 and m2 are the masses, v1i and v2i are the initial velocities of objects 1 and 2 respectively, and vf is the final velocities of the objects.

Write the loss of kinetic energy formula in an inelastic collision.

Consider m1 and m2 to be the masses of the two colliding objects. The object with mass m1 moves with velocity v1 and the object with mass m2 is at rest position.

After the collision, the momentum of the objects is conserved. But, the two objects stick to each other. Hence, the kinetic energy is not conserved.

Kinetic energy, E=mv2/2

The kinetic energy of the object m1 before the collision, Ei=m1v12/2

Kinetic energy after the collision is, Ef= (m1+m2)vf2/2

Therefore, the loss of kinetic energy is given by,


Difference between elastic collision and inelastic collision

The two main classifications of collision have differed as follows:

  • Both the momentum and kinetic energy is conserved in an elastic collision whereas, in an inelastic collision, only momentum is conserved.
  • In an elastic collision, the kinetic energy is the same throughout the process while the kinetic energy at the starting point and the endpoint are different in an inelastic collision.
  • Energy conversion doesn’t take place in an inelastic collision but the kinetic energy is converted to heat, sound, or other forms of energy.
  • An elastic collision is observed rarely in real life whereas inelastic collision is observed commonly in real life.
  • Bouncing back of the thrown sponge ball is an example of elastic collision. Clay ball when thrown against the wall is an example of an inelastic collision.

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Discuss car collision in physics/explain car collision physics.

The collision between the two cars is an example of an inelastic collision. In this, the total amount of momentum is conserved while the kinetic energy of the cars changes. The kinetic energy is used to crash or stick the two cars together.

Collision is classified based on the velocity of the body corresponding to the collision line. They are,

  • Head-on collision
  • Oblique collision

What is a head-on collision in physics?

If the velocities of both the objects are along the collision line then it is called a head-on collision. It is an example of collision in one dimension. This type of collision is seen in vehicles crashing. If the front line of the vehicle is crushed by the other vehicle in an accident then it is called a head-on collision.

Write the head-on collision formula.

The velocity of the approach is equal to the velocity of separation in a head-on collision.

The velocity of object 1 after the collision is, v1'=(m1-m2)v1/(m1+m2)

The velocity of object 2 after the collision is, v2'=2m1v1/(m1+m2)

Here, m1 and m2 are the mass of the colliding objects and v1 is the velocity of that object.

What is an oblique collision?

The collision in which one of the two colliding objects has a velocity at an angle with the collision line is called an oblique collision. It is an example of collision in two-dimension.

All these are included in the collision course program in c.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the meaning of inelastic?

Inelastic means the one which loses kinetic energy.

2. Is momentum conserved in an inelastic collision?

Yes, momentum is conserved in an inelastic collision.

3. Write elastic and inelastic collisions examples.

An example of elastic collision is the bouncing back of the thrown sponge ball.

An example of an inelastic collision is two vehicles hitting each other.

4. In inelastic collision what is conserved and what is not conserved?

In an inelastic collision, momentum is conserved and energy is not conserved.

5. What happens to the object during the collision?

During the collision, an object undergoes a force that changes the velocity of the object. 

6. Define stick.

In a perfectly inelastic collision, if the two objects join together without bouncing it is called a stick in an inelastic collision.

7. What is the value of e in a perfectly inelastic collision?

For an inelastic collision the value of e is zero.

8. In an inelastic collision what is conserved?



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