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Lithosphere - Definition, Features, Diagram, FAQs

Lithosphere - Definition, Features, Diagram, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 07, 2022 03:52 PM IST

Introduction of Lithosphere

In this article, we will talk about the lithosphere. We will discuss the following topics-

What is the lithosphere, how is lithosphere formed and lithosphere examples

What is Lithosphere?

According to What is lithosphere class 7 definition or we can also say that the lithosphere meaning in English is-

“The lithosphere is the rigid, outermost shell of planet earth.”

Lithosphere Examples- the Rocky Mountain range of mountains in western North America is one of the examples of the lithosphere.

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Lithosphere composition

The Lithosphere is made up of the brittle, rigid and solid upper portion of the mantle and the crust, the outermost layers of Earth’s structure. The lithosphere consists of rocks of the earth’s crust & it also contains thin layers of soil. The soil holds the nutrient elements which sustain organisms. The lithosphere is exposed to the atmosphere from the top and is bounded by the asthenosphere (another part of the upper mantle) below it.

Lithosphere Meaning

"Litho" is from the Greek word lithos, meaning stone. "Sphere" is from the Greek word sphaira, meaning globe or ball.

So, again what is the meaning of lithosphere? Answer is Lithosphere meaning in english is “A stone ball or a stone globe.”

Lithosphere meaning in tamil-லித்தோஸ்பியர்

Layers of Lithospheres/Parts of Lithosphere: Lithosphere consists of only crust and the upper mantle. The crust is the portion that is made up of rocks. The upper mantle is the brittle and solid portion. This is also called the structure of lithosphere.

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Features of Lithospheres

The lithosphere consists of the crust and the upper mantle.

Explain Lithosphere/Describe Lithosphere

In this, we will give answer to the question, “What is lithosphere class 6 ?

  • The lithosphere is the outer part of the Earth.

  • The lithosphere is made up of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle(It is the outermost layer of the upper mantle).

  • The lithosphere is about 55 km thick below the oceans.

  • The lithosphere is up to about 200 km thick below the continents.

  • The seismic waves propagate with very high velocity through the lithosphere and these waves suggest that Lithosphere is completely solid.

How is Lithosphere formed?

Earth Time → Cooling Solidification Condensation into small size.

Development of outer surface(crust)


This has been explained in many lithosphere pdf and lithosphere ppt that “During the primordial stage, Earth was in a volatile state. AT that time there was nothing called the Lithosphere”. And we were not aware of How is lithosphere formed. Then due to the gradual increase in the density, the temperature of the Earth increased. As a result of this change, the material inside the Earth began to get separated depending on their densities. Which become the reason to the answer of the question that How is lithosphere formed?

Consequently, the heavier material (like iron) sank into the centre of the Earth i.e. the core. And the lighter material moved towards the surface of the Earth. Then with the time the lighter material cooled down and solidified, further it condensed into small size. This process leads to the development of the Lithosphere.

Earth's lithosphere

Earth's lithosphere includes the crust and the mantle (uppermost). The uppermost mantle is the outer layer of Earth which is solid, rigid and brittle. The lithosphere is subdivided into tectonic plates. The Lithosphere- Asthenosphere boundary is formed due to the difference in response to stress. That’s why the lithosphere deforms elastically while the asthenosphere deforms viscously.

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Lithosphere facts

  • Scientists nowadays use robots to examine the lithosphere on the outer space planets. For Example, recently on Mars.

  • Lithosphere depth is different at different places.

  • At the boundaries of each plate, the composition of crust changes.

What is the lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere?

  • Lithosphere means land, atmosphere means air and hydrosphere means water.

  • The lithosphere consists of land, soil, rocks, stones, and minerals.

  • The hydrosphere consists of water bodies.

  • The atmosphere contains gases and it forms a layer around the Earth.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the main features of Lithosphere?
  • The lithosphere is the solid and rigid crust. Lithosphere is also the hard top layer of the earth.

  • Lithosphere consists of rocks, stones and minerals. Lithosphere also contains a thin layer of soil.

    • Lithosphere is irregular and it consists of various landforms.

  • For Example, It contains mountains, valleys,plains,plateaus, etc.

2. What is lithosphere short answer?/ write a short note on Lithosphere.

The lithosphere is the solid, brittle and the outermost part of Planet Earth. The lithosphere includes the solid, rigid, and brittle portion of the upper mantle and the rocky portion of the crust. The crust is the outermost layers of Earth's structure. Lithosphere is bounded by the atmosphere from above and the asthenosphere from below.

3. What do you understand by Lithosphere?

Lithosphere is the outer part of the Earth. Lithosphere is made up of the Earth’s crust and upper mantle(It is the outermost layer of the upper mantle).

4. What is lithosphere made up of?

 Lithosphere is made up of the brittle, solid and rigid upper portion of the mantle and the crust, the outermost layers of Earth’s structure. [Lithosphere example sentence]

5. Components of Lithosphere

                    Lithosphere consists of rocks of the earth’s crust & it also                   contains the thin layers of soil.

6. Difference between crust and lithosphere.

Crust is the outer rigid layer of lithosphere whereas lithosphere is thick, rigid and brittle layer of earth’s structure. Lithosphere consists of crust as well as upper mantle.

7. Difference between lithosphere and asthenosphere.

Lithosphere is the brittle, solid and rigid layer of earth whereas asthenosphere is solid but it can flow. Also  Lithosphere is bounded by the atmosphere from above and the asthenosphere from below.


Questions related to

Correct Answer: The theory of plate tectonics proposes that the earth’s lithosphere is divided into seven major and some minor plates.

Solution : The correct answer is The theory of plate tectonics proposes that the Earth’s lithosphere is divided into seven major and some minor plates.

The theory of plate tectonics suggests that the outer shell, also called the lithosphere, is divided into several plates, of which there are seven and some minor plates. The theory interacts with three types of plate boundaries: divergent, convergent and transform. Alfred Wegener is considered the father of the theory of plate tectonics.

Correct Answer: 7

Solution : The correct option is 7.

Plate tectonics proposes that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into several rigid plates that interact with each other, leading to various geological phenomena. There are seven major tectonic plates:

  1. Pacific Plate
  2. North American Plate
  3. South American Plate
  4. Eurasian Plate
  5. African Plate
  6. Antarctic Plate
  7. Indo-Australian Plate

In addition to the seven major tectonic plates, there are numerous minor plates, also known as secondary or microplates.

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