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Relation Between Gauss and Tesla - A Complete Guide

Relation Between Gauss and Tesla - A Complete Guide

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 13, 2022 01:10 PM IST

In this article, we will be discussing the relationship between gauss and Tesla and also Weber and Tesla,

Magnetic field intensity

The magnetic field intensity is also called magnetic field strength. The magnetic field intensity is defined as, the force experienced by a unit north pole at that point in the magnetic field. In other words, in a magnetic field, the charged particle experienced a force is called magnetic field intensity.

The magnetic field intensity or magnetic induction can be calculated using Lorentz force.


So from this equation, we can calculate magnetic induction by rearranging the equation as

B= F/(V×q×sinθ)

Were F = Lorentz force

B = magnetic field intensity or magnetic induction

Q = charge in the magnetic field

The unit of magnetic induction or magnetic field intensity is Tesla or Gauss. These two units can be used depending upon the measuring system. Gauss unit can be used if we are measuring in CGS (centimetre–gram–second system ). Tesla unit can be used if we are measuring the system in SI (system international).

The CGS or centimetre–gram–second system is the measuring system for length, mass, time.

Length – centimetre

Mass - gram

Time – second

The SI or system international is measured as

Length – meter

Mass – kilogram

Time – second

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What is Tesla?

Tesla is a unit of magnetic field intensity or magnetic induction. In other words, the SI unit of magnetic induction is Tesla or it. It is usually denoted by T. this unit is named after Nikola Tesla, the famous American physicist.

Tesla in hindi टेसला

1Tesla is defined as the intensity of magnetic field which generates a force of 1Newton per current of 1Ampere and a conductor of one meter.

So 1 Tesla is equal to 1N of force which exerts on coulomb of charge of 1C which moves in velocity of 1m/s in the magnetic field perpendicularly.

1 Tesla = NA m/s.

1 Tesla magnetic field is strong.

NCERT Physics Notes:

What is Gauss?

Gauss is the unit of magnetic induction in the CGS system. It is named after Carl Friedrich Gauss, a famous German physicist. 1gauss is defined as 1dyne of force which exerts on a charge of 1emu which moves in velocity of 1cm/s in the magnetic field perpendicularly.

1 gauss = 1dyne(1emu×1cm/s)

gauss in hindi गॉस

Gauss law is defined as the charge in the closed surface divided by permittivity in the electric flux.

e= Q/ϵ0

e= electric flux

Q = charge in the closed surface

ϵ0 = electric constant

Conversion of Gauss to Tesla or Tesla to Gauss:

The Conversion of Gauss to Tesla or Tesla to Gauss is quite simple as both are directly proportional. Tesla is big unit that can be converted into small units.

1 tesla is equal to how many gauss?

1Tesla is 1N of force which exerts on coulomb of charge of 1C which moves in velocity of 1m/s in the magnetic field perpendicularly.

1Tesla = 1N /(1C * 1m/s)

We know that

1N = 105 dyne

1C = 10-1 emu

1m/s = 102 cm/s

1Tesla = 105 dyne/(10-1 emu*102 cm/s)

1Tesla = 104 dyne/(emu*cms)

1Tesla = 104 gauss

Therefore, one tesla is equal to 104gauss.

Conversion of 1 gauss to tesla:

1 gauss is equal to 10-4 Tesla.

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What is weber?

The Weber is the SI unit for magnetic flux. The CGS unit for magnetic flux is Maxwell. The magnetic flux ∅ is defined as the total number of magnetic fields crossing a unit area. The weber is named after Wilhelm Eduard Weber, the German Scientist.

∅=B A cosθ

B = magnetic field

A = area

θ= angle to the area and magnetic field

1weber = 1 V/s or 108 Maxwells

Conversion of tesla to weber

1 Tesla = 1 wb/m2.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Magnetic field intensity another name is (A)Magnetic field strength (B)Magnetic flux density (C)Electromotive force (D)Magnetic flux

Magnetic field strength


The magnetic field intensity (H) is also called magnetic field strength, magnetic intensity. The magnetic field intensity is defined as, the force experienced by a unit north pole at that point in the magnetic field. The magnetic field intensity or magnetic induction can be calculated using Lorentz force.


So from this equation, we can calculate magnetic induction by rearranging the equation as

B= F/(V×q×sinθ)

2. Define 1Tesla and 1Gauss? How to convert gauss to tesla and vice versa


1Tesla is 1N of force which exerts on coulomb of charge of 1C which moves in velocity of 1m/s in the magnetic field perpendicularly.

1 Tesla = NA m/s.


    1gauss is defined as 1dyne of force which exerts on a charge of 1emu which moves in velocity of 1cm/s in the magnetic field perpendicularly.

1 gauss = 1dyne(1emu×1cm/s)

Conversion of tesla to gauss

1Tesla = 1N /(1C * 1m/s)

We know that

1N = 105 dyne

1C = 10-1 emu

1m/s = 102 cm/s

1Tesla = 105 dyne/(10-1 emu*10cm/s)

1Tesla = 10dyne/(emu*cms)

1Tesla = 104 gauss

3. What is the SI unit of magnetic induction?

 Tesla SI unit of magnetic induction.

4. Convert 10G to T

10gauss = 0.001 Tesla

5. Which is the preferred conversion 1.Gauss to tesla 2.Tesla to gauss

Tesla to gauss


Gauss to tesla is usually preferred because the gauss(CGS) system is the measuring system for only 3units length, mass, time. But the Tesla (SI) is the measuring system for not only 3units it has around 7units. So gauss which has only 3dimensional measuring units is usually preferred than tesla units for easy measurement as this SI unit will lead to 4dimension.


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