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Relation Between Kp And Kc - A Complete Guide

Relation Between Kp And Kc - A Complete Guide

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 09, 2022 02:11 PM IST

kp and kc are equilibrium constants in ideal gas mixture. KP is the equilibrium constant taken with respect to atmospheric pressure and kc is the equilibrium constant used to express the concentration of gaseous mixture in terms of molarity.

Let us consider an equilibrium state in a gaseous mixture of reactants A , B and products C ,D .

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The equation of the reaction be ,

aA + bB⇌cC+dD

In the above equation a, b, c and d are the mole numbers for A, B, C, and D respectively.

Therefore, the kc can be written as


So, the kp can be written as

kp=\frac{[p_c]^c[p_o]^d}{[p_A]^a [p_B]^b}

Here , pA,pB,pC and pD are the partial pressure of the gas A,B,C and D respectively.

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Example 1 :



Example 2 :



Here , pA,pB,pC and pD are the partial pressure of the gas A,B,C and D respectively.

From the equation of ideal gas ;


Where , p = pressure ; V = volume ; n = no of moles ; R = gas constant ; T = temperature.

How to find kp?

Derive the relation between kpand kc/Write kp kc relation/write the relation between kp and kc


Or, p=\frac{n}{V}RT.....(1)

From the above equation we can say;





So, the



Substituting the values of, pA,pB,pC and pD in the equation (2)

k_p=\frac{[c]^c [RT]^c[D]^d [RT]^d}{ [A]^a [RT]^a[B]^b[RT]^b}

k_p=\frac{[c]^c [D]^d[RT]^{(c+d)}} { [A]^a [B]^b[RT]^{(a+b)}}

k_p=\frac{[c]^c [D]^d[RT]^{(c+d){(a+b)})}} { [A]^a [B]^b

k_p=\frac{[c]^c[D]^d}{[A]^a[B]^b}[RT]^{\Delta n}.........(4)

Here, (c+d) is the sum of the mole number of the products and (a+b) is the sum of the mole number of the reactants.

So, ∆n is the difference between the sum of the mole number of the products and the sum of the mole number of the reactants.


Substituting the value of equation (3) in equation (4):

Then the the relation between kp and kc is,


The above equation is the relation between kp and kc.

Special case, ∆n=0 then kp=kc ; it happens when there is no change in the mole numbers between the sum of the mole number of the products and the sum of the mole number of the reactants.

If , kp=kc[RT]∆n then kc=kp[RT]-∆n is the relation between kc and kp.

These are included in the relation between kp and kc pdf/relation between kp and kc class 11th chemistry.

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NCERT Physics Notes:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is kp and kc?/what is kp?/ Write kp meaning.

Kp constant of equilibrium w.r.t. the atmospheric pressure and Kc is the constant of equilibrium w.r.t. the molar concentration of the gas mixture.

2. What is the relation between kp kc and kx on the basis of pressure?

Kx depends on the atmospheric pressure while Kp and Kc are independent of the pressure.

3. What does the ka and kb relationship determine?

Ka and Kb determine the dissociation property of acid-base. 

4. Write the difference between kp and kc.

Kp is the constant of equilibrium applicable in the partial pressures while Kc is the constant of equilibrium applicable in the concentrations.


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