Unit of Viscosity - Definition, Types, Unit, Example, FAQs

Unit of Viscosity - Definition, Types, Unit, Example, FAQs

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Nov 12, 2024 11:51 PM IST

Viscosity Unit

The unit of viscosity or viscosity unit is Pascal seconds (Pa-s) or 1641280053520.

SI unit of viscosity

The SI unit of viscosity is given by Pascal seconds (Pa-s) or 1641280053403.

What is the viscosity unit?

Viscosity is defined as the property of a fluid which offers resistance to the movement of one layer of fluid over another adjacent layer of the fluid. When two layers of a fluid, a distance ‘dy’ apart, move one over the other at different velocities, let us say it ‘u’ and ‘u + du’. This viscosity together with the relative velocity causes a shear stress acting between the fluid layers. The top layer causes a shear stress on the adjacent lower layer while the lower layer causes a shear stress on the adjacent top layer. This shear stress is proportional to the rate of change of velocity with respect to ‘y’. It is denoted by symbol1641280053789.

This Story also Contains
  1. Viscosity Unit
  2. What is the viscosity unit?
  3. Unit of viscosity
  4. Types of Viscosity
Unit of Viscosity - Definition, Types, Unit, Example, FAQs
Unit of Viscosity - Definition, Types, Unit, Example, FAQs

Mathematically, 1641280054538


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Where 1641280053690(called mu), is the constant of proportionality and is known as the coefficient of dynamic viscosity or only viscosity. 1641280054183is the rate of shear strain or rate of shear deformation or velocity gradient.

Using equation (i) we can write, 1641280054331

Viscosity is also defined as the shear stress required to produce unit rate of shear strain.

Unit of viscosity

The units of viscosity is obtained by putting the dimensions of the quantities in equation (i)


In MKS system, the force is represented by kgf and the length is represented by metre (m), in CGS system, the force is represented by dyne and the length is represented by cm and in SI system the force is represented by Newton (N) and the length is represented by meter (m).

MKS unit of viscosity = 1641280055307

CGS unit of viscosity = 1641280054775

1641280054995is also known as Pascal and is represented by ‘Pa’.

SI unit of viscosity = 1641280055217= 1641280055510.

SI unit of viscosity = Newton –sec/m2

The unit of viscosity in CGS is also called Poise which is equal to 1641280054900

The numerical conversion of the unit of viscosity from MKS unit to CGS unit is given below:

1641280055070 1641280055680

One Newton = one kg (mass) x one (m/s2)(acceleration)


= 1641280055752 1641280055385

1641280055979 1641280056828


If viscosity is given in Poise, it must be divided by 10 to get its equivalent numerical value in SI units. Sometimes a unit of viscosity as centipoise is used where

1 centipoise = 1/100 Poise

The viscosity of water at1641280056140is 0.01 Poise or 1.0 centipoise.

Types of Viscosity

There are two types of viscosity

1. Kinematic viscosity

It is defined as the ratio between the dynamic viscosity and density of fluid. It is denoted by the Greek symbol (1641280056924) called ‘nu’. Mathematically, it can be represented by,


The unit of Kinematic viscosity is obtained as


In MKS and SI, the unit of Kinematic Viscosity is 1641280056356 while in CGS units it is written as1641280057294. In CGS units, Kinematic Viscosity is also known as stoke.

One stoke = 1641280057377

Centistoke = 1/100 stoke

2. Dynamic Viscosity

It is the ratio of Force multiplied by time to the Area.

It is expressed as 1641280053983

The factors on which viscosity depends are:-

a. area of contact of two adjacent layers,

b. velocity difference between two adjacent layers,

c. the distance between two adjacent layers.

Difference between Dynamic Viscosity and Kinematic Viscosity


Dynamic Viscosity

Kinetic Viscosity


It is resistant to fluid flow and tells about the thickness of fluid. For example: - If the fluid is thinner, it will have less viscosity and if the thickness is more, it will have more viscosity.

It is the ratio of the fluid’s viscous force to the inertial force.


Its symbol is 1641280057850.

Its symbol is 1641280057462.


The unit of Dynamic Viscosity is1641280057613.

The unit of Kinematic Viscosity is1641280058331.


Dynamic Viscosity is absolute viscosity or simply viscosity.

Kinematic Viscosity is momentum diffusivity.

Newton’s Law of Viscosity

Newton’s Law of Viscosity states that the shear stress on a fluid element layer is directly proportional to the rate of shear strain. This constant of proportionality is called the coefficient of viscosity. Mathematically, it can be expressed as


Fluids which obey the above equation are known as Newtonian fluids and the fluids which do not obey the above relation are called Non-Newtonian fluids.

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Practice Questions

Q.1 Determine the viscosity of a liquid having kinematic viscosity 6 stokes and specific gravity 1.9.

Sol) Given,

Kinematic Viscosity, 1641280058404s

Specific gravity of liquid = 1.9

Let the viscosity of the liquid be 1641280058149

No, specific gravity of a liquid = Density of the liquid/Density of water

1.9 = Density of the liquid/1000

Density of the liquid = 1641280058233

By using the relation, 1641280058603, we get

1641280058931= 1641280058511Poise.

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