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Career Avenues For Those Who Have Good Conversational Skills

Career Avenues For Those Who Have Good Conversational Skills

Edited By aditi.narendra | Updated on Nov 29, 2023 08:59 AM IST

Good speaking or good verbal communication skills is the ladder to progress in any career prospects. Someone who is able to articulate their ideas, perspectives, and vision clearly and persuasively has an obvious edge over their peers.

Decent communication skills are the basic requirement for any person who hopes to get the job of their choice. Right from cracking the interview to giving your inputs during meetings everything requires clear and fluent communication. However, if you are an extrovert who loves to make an impression with their gift of the gab, there are a few career options that are tailor-made for you. Come, let’s take a look at career options for individuals who can speak confidently and with conviction.

Career Avenues For Those Who Have Good Conversational Skills
Career Avenues For Those Who Have Good Conversational Skills

First, let us understand why good speaking skills are important and how this skill can give you an edge over others

Good communication skills foster teamwork and cooperation. Teammates with decent communication skills can express their ideas with no confusion which in turn brings a positive work environment and productivity. It also builds strong relationships with professionals which require building rapport with clients.

While leading a team or business a professional needs to put across their vision, the roadmap to reach that goal and possibly overcome challenges. This is not possible without clear and effective communication exhibited by the individual.

Effective communicators definitely have more opportunities to succeed. They demonstrate their skills and knowledge in presentations, negotiations, and interviews. This makes them stand out.

Differences of opinions and professional rivalry are common at the workplace. Some with good communication skills may find it easier to resolve such situations.

With many other incentives speaking skills are much-needed expertise. These skills are an important parameter to thrive in certain careers. Some of these careers are:


A good teacher is someone who can impact the young minds not only in the classroom but otherwise as well. For a teacher who has good conversational skills, teaching concepts becomes easy, as students relate and can understand these concepts better. If a teacher explains mundane concepts in an engaging manner the students are not only better involved in the class, the possibility of them retaining the concept is also higher.

A healthy communication between teachers and students fosters better learning outcomes. A teacher who can articulate better can give effective feedback to parents on the progress of the students. Overall as a guide and a mentor, your speaking skills help you immensely in this profession.


The job role of a lawyer is all about presenting arguments. Lawyers who are not able to defend their case find it challenging to progress in their career. They have to immaculately incorporate their legal expertise in their arguments. While debating is an important aspect, convincing the jury/ judge with their reasoning is also important. The reasoning of the lawyers should be clear with no opportunity of misrepresentation. Legal interpretations and arguments need to be presented accurately and with precision. Strong speaking skills build the confidence in the lawyer to rebuttal and give witty responses to unexpected questions.

Radio Jockey

The Radio Jockey (RJ) is a professional infotainer who engages the audience through their voice. An RJ needs to be well read and have a vocabulary that can capture the listener's attention without even face-to-face communication. You will need to be spontaneous to keep the audience hooked. You may use impromptu speaking skills when interacting with the audience on air. This requires the art of putting ideas into engaging conversation. The pronunciation, the tone, and the captivating storytelling techniques are skills required for an RJ’s everyday role. Good speaking forms the foundation for these activities.

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News Anchor

The news anchor delivers news, takes interviews, and conducts debates on television. For someone who wants to pursue news anchoring as a career, understand that you will require a mix of confidence, empathy and credibility for the audience to believe the news story. Speaking with an assertive tone, understanding the emotion behind the story etc may require sensitivity, practicality, and empathy..With good speaking skills, the anchor develops a knack for expressing the facts accurately.


Strong verbal communication skills are required for interpreters to fluently convey messages between languages while ensuring accuracy and retaining the meaning of the original message. Interpreters working in conferences need to have confidence while translating the dialogues accurately. The tone of the interpreter should be conversational with pauses and intonations. Specialised fields, such as legal or medical interpreting, demand strong speaking skills to convey complex terminology accurately.


Actors emote through dialogues and expressions. This profession requires clarity in pronunciation, adopting accents, dialects, or speech patterns to create authentic portrayals of the characters they play. The tone, voice, volume and pace should be in tune with the character. The speech and the dialogue delivery captivate the audience and make the movie or series worth watching. The actor can be a voice-over artist or the narrator of the drama; the voice is modified accordingly.

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Customer Service

The role of the customer service representative in a company involves active listening complemented with strong speaking skills to handle customer grievances. They speak diplomatically, convincing the customer that the situation can easily be handled. This h creates a positive customer experience. They use their speaking skills to console and calm the customer providing solutions to their issues. The assurance which they give demands effective and clear communication.


Counsellors interact with their clients empathically. They have to understand the emotional challenges of their client and suggest a solution accordingly. This solution should be put in well-thought-out words that do not impact the client negatively. Conversations should be personally motivating and supporting their clients. When counsellors effectively interact with the client they feel connected to them. This profession is all about creating a comfortable environment for the client where he or she can share their problems. Words of encouragement, reassurance and positivity can make this process easier.

Life Coach

Marketing is a vital aspect of coaching. This marketing strategy involves communicating ideas effectively to inspire others. The coach builds trust in himself when he or she speaks with passion. The stories they narrate in a way to create an impact in the demands of strong hold over communication. Coaches use their words to motivate and encourage action, thereby assisting others in growing and changing for the better.

Communication overall is a powerful tool if you want everyone to listen to it. When you create an impact on others with words they listen to you and pave your way to become a leader.

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