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SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT: Standardised Tests For Studying In The U.S Simplified

SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT: Standardised Tests For Studying In The U.S Simplified

Edited By Megha Yadav, EducationUSA | Updated on Nov 01, 2022 03:30 PM IST

High school students applying to undergraduate programs at U.S. universities are required to submit their standardised test scores as part of the application process. Along with academic scores and other application components, your test scores are also evaluated to determine how competitive your application is and whether you are the right fit for the university.

SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT: Standardised Tests For Studying In The U.S Simplified
SAT, ACT, AP, PSAT: Standardised Tests For Studying In The U.S Simplified

As we move forward, we will discuss the various undergraduate standardised tests a student can take for U.S. university applications. Although it solely depends on the college/university which test they accept as part of their admission process and due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some colleges modified the testing requirements for the 2022-2023 application cycle for first-year and transfer applicants. It is vital to check the admissions page of the respective university before signing-up for the test. There are two major standardised tests that prospective undergraduate students can choose from along with their college application, which are SAT and ACT. Other tests also include Advanced Placement (AP) Exams and PSAT.

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These tests determine college readiness for undergraduate students as they apply to universities in the United States.

  • The SAT measures critical thinking and problem solving abilities and the total duration to take the test is about three hours.
  • Administered by the College Board, the SAT consists of three major sections, the Reading Test, the Writing and Language Test, and the Maths test. There are a total of 154 questions and the overall score for SAT ranges from 400 to 1600.
  • All multiple- choice questions answered correctly are given a score of 1 and there ain’t any negative marking for wrong answers or those left blank.
  • The Evidence Based-Reading and Writing, and Maths Tests are scored between 200 and 800.
  • The Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score includes the Reading Test and the Writing and Language Test, each of which contributes equally to the section score. The Maths Test is scored separately.
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Students can register for the SAT by visiting the College Board website and choose to sign-up for the preferred test dates announced by them.


The ACT is another standardised test that determines academic readiness to attend a college or university.

  • The ACT comprises 215 questions which include four multiple choice tests, English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science, along with an optional writing test. Technically, the total duration for an ACT exam is 2 hours 55 minutes, however, with breaks it can exceed 3 hours. If you choose to opt for the optional writing test, the total duration could stretch a little over 3 hours 30 minutes.

  • The score range for all the four multiple choice tests is 1-36. The composite score is the average of the four test scores rounded to the nearest whole number.

  • A student may take the ACT for up to 12 times and their results are valid for five years from the exam date. ACT test is administered seven times a year (February, April, June, July, August, September, and October) and students can visit the ACT website to sign-up for their preferred test dates.

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Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

High school students can also take the Advanced Placement (AP) Exams to enhance a college application which are usually offered in 34 subjects.

  • Administered by the College Board, qualifying AP exams allow students to earn course credit based on the test scores, thereby helping them get credit waiver for selected college courses in the first two years of college and make them eligible for advanced level courses.
  • Each exam has its own set of requirements, however, for most AP exams, the score is a weighted combination of scores of two sections, multiple choice and free response.
  • The final score of each AP exam is reported on a five-point scale that offers how qualified a student is to receive college credit.
  • These exams are conducted only in May every year and require prior registration. In India, students can choose to register for AP exams at the authorised AP test centres located across India in case the exams are not administered at their respective schools.

Among various test centres, The United States - India Educational Foundation (USIEF) has been administering the AP exams for more than two decades.

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In addition to the above standardised tests, students in Classes 10 and 11 also have an option to take PSAT which is known as The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The PSAT/NMSQT helps students practise at an early stage, understanding their areas of strengths and opportunities. It familiarises them with standardised testing in a time-bound environment before the test.

  • A standardised test administered by the College Board, the PSAT is co-sponsored by National Merit Scholarship Corporation in the United States.
  • If a student is an American citizen, PSAT can also qualify them for the National Merit Scholarship Program and other scholarships.
  • Taking PSAT not only boosts a student’s confidence to appear for the SAT but also gives them the exposure to learn about the test format, questions, and the areas you need to improve on and, thereby, understand your future SAT score.
  • While the SAT score range is 400 - 1600, the PSAT is scored between 320 and 1520.
  • Although both the tests have a different score range, similar to the SAT, the PSAT also consists of three sections, Reading, Maths, Writing and Language.
  • However, for students living outside the States, the PSAT is offered in October every year and students can register for this test by finding a local school that administers the test at least four months before the test date.

what exams are required to study in usa, exams to study in usa, exams required to study in usa, exams needed to study in usa, standardized testing in the united statesA good score is solely dependent on your academic goals and whether it can help you get into a college of your choice.

It requires extensive planning and preparation if students are willing to appear for these standardised tests as these tests are not offered throughout the calendar year. The relevant testing organisation website has the test dates announced for the whole school year which helps students to register for the test well in advance and gives them sufficient time to prepare. Since the fee for each test is different, students should refer to the testing organisations’ website to get a complete breakup. Before registering for any standardised test, that is ACT or SAT, students should check the application requirements stated by respective universities and colleges on their website as these institutions might be flexible and may not prefer one test over another. To sum it all, the purpose of taking the SAT and the ACT is the same and that is to gauge readiness for college.

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As the U.S. universities and colleges follow a holistic admissions process, there is no concept of a good or bad SAT or ACT score. A good score is solely dependent on your academic goals and whether it can help you get into a college of your choice or earn a merit scholarship to help cover costs. Hence, the students have an option to choose among the available standardised tests and the flexibility to take it as long as you are able to identify the most appropriate test to register and prepare to showcase an outstanding college application.

For further information on the following tests, please visit the related websites:

  • The SAT Suite of Assessments:
  • ACT:
  • Advanced Placement (AP) Exams:
  • Register for AP Exams:
  • PSAT/NMSQT International Registrations:

Megha Yadav is Adviser at EducationUSA, United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF), New Delhi.


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