PSC Full Form

PSC Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 16, 2023 05:23 PM IST

What is the full form of PSC ?

The full form of psc is Public Service Commission. Here are a few things that provide further information about the Public Service Commission:
It is set up for each Indian state. Typically, under Sections 315 to 323 of Part XIV of the Constitution, the precise location of offices is specified.
It is also an ideal region because it deals with appointments, transfers, and expulsions.This provides different regulations for the Public Service Commission's organisational structure.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of PSC ?
  2. Examining the civil service commission
  3. Public service commissions' duties:
PSC Full Form
PSC Full Form

It is a public service that often functions as an arm of the executive branch.

This service Commission's management and activities are governed by the constitution.

Additionally, it has forced the Union Public Service Commission to finish exams for positions across the entire India Service.

In accordance with the Indian Constitution's Part XIV, Articles 315 to 323 establish the Public Service Commission. It was founded for the Union of India, and each of the nation's states also has a PSC. Higher Central Services (HCS) and All India Services (AIS) recruitment exams are administered by the Union Public Service Commission, or UPSC. Exams for state service recruitment are also held by each state's State Public Service Commission.

Examining the civil service commission

The Civil Service Commission is a component of the UPSC. Every year, the administration of each state establishes it. It is a commission that offers the necessary oversight of preference on the basis of merit. The hiring process for candidates for this position is uniform across the country. The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, passed in 1883, led to the creation of the civil service.

Public service commissions' duties:

  • The Union Public Service Commission and the State Public Service Commission, respectively, shall be responsible for holding examinations for appointments to the Union's and the State's respective services.

  • The Union Public Service Commission shall also be required, upon request from any two or more states, to assist those states in formulating and carrying out joint recruitment plans for any services for which candidates holding particular qualifications are required.

  • It is necessary to consult either the State Public Service Commission or the Union Public Service Commission, as appropriate.

  • on all issues pertaining to hiring practises for civil positions and the civil service;

  • on the standards to be adhered to when selecting applicants for civil service and other positions, for promotions, for transfers from one service to another, and for these positions' fitness;

  • addresses all disciplinary issues affecting a person working for the Indian government or a state government in a civil capacity, including memorials or petitions pertaining to such issues;

  • pertaining to any claim made by or on behalf of a person serving or having served in a civil capacity for the Government of India, a state, the Crown in India, or a government of an Indian state, that any costs incurred by him in defending legal actions brought against him for acts committed or purportedly committed while performing his duty should be paid out of the Consolidated Fund of India, or, as the case may be, out of the consolidated fund of the state.

  • on any claim for the awarding of a pension in relation to injuries sustained by a person while serving in a civil capacity for the Government of India, a state, the Crown in India, or the Government of an Indian state, and any dispute regarding the amount of any such award:

With the caveat that the President, with regard to all-India services, as well as other services and posts in connection with Union affairs, and the Governor, with regard to other services and posts in connection with State affairs, may make regulations specifying the matters in which it shall not be necessary for a Public Service Commission to be consulted generally, in any particular class of cases, or under any particular circumstances.

  • Public Service Commissions are required to provide advice on any matter that is referred to them in this manner as well as on any other matter that the President or, as appropriate, the Governor of the State may refer to them for:

  • With the caveat that the President, with regard to all-India services, as well as other services and posts in connection with Union affairs, and the Governor, with regard to other services and posts in connection with State affairs, may make regulations specifying the matters in which it shall not be necessary for a Public Service Commission to be consulted generally, in any particular class of cases, or under any particular circumstances.

  • Nothing in clause (3) mandates that the Public Service Commission be consulted when crafting any provision mentioned in clause (4) of article 16 or when deciding how to put the provisions of article 335 into effect.

  • As soon as possible after they are made, the President or the Governor of a State must lay all regulations made under the proviso to clause (3) before each House of Parliament or each House of the State Legislature for not less than fourteen days. These regulations are then subject to any changes that both Houses of Parliament may make, whether by repealing them or amending them.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What accomplishes the PSC examination?

According to Articles 315 to 323, the Public Service Commissions (PSC) in India are required to support the respective state governments with regard to hiring, transferring, and disciplinary proceedings.

2. What is the PSC exam age limit?

To take the exam, an applicant must be between the ages of 21 and 40. Other qualifying requirements, such as nationality and minimum qualifications, must be met by the candidate.

3. What qualifies under PSC?

Since the minimum educational requirement for the PCS examinations is a bachelor's degree course in any discipline from any recognised university or any other equivalent qualification, you will not be eligible to take the exams as a 12th grade graduate.

4. How many stages are in the PSC?

Preliminary exams, main exams and interviews are the three stages.

5. which post is best in PSC?

IAS (Indian Administrative Survice) officer is one of the most prestigious posts in India.

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