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i have got 6024 rank in nimcet 2024 . i am confused can i go for counciling. i am from obc category. please suggest

Tanya Gupta 27th Jun, 2024


With a 6024 rank in NIMCET 2024 and belonging to the OBC category, you should consider participating in the counseling process. While top NITs may have higher cut-offs, there are several other NITs and institutes where you might secure a seat due to the reserved category quotas. The rank cut-offs vary each year, and the OBC category often has lower cut-offs compared to the General category. Additionally, participating in counseling gives you the opportunity to explore seat allotments and make an informed decision based on available options.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

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score card application number and Admit card number is same ?

sadafreen356 26th Jun, 2024

Hello sahil,

You get registration number once you register under any college or apply anywhere.throughout the entire process of admission the registration number which is allotted to you is used for admit card and score card which you got after the examination.

When results are announced you shall login with credentials to get score card in which you need to provide your registration number and password after that you can easily get your score card in case you have forgotten your credentials you can retrieve it from your registered phone number or email.hope it helps

what do means by company law and write advantages

Tanya Gupta 27th Jun, 2024


Company law refers to the legal framework that governs the formation, operation, and dissolution of companies. It includes regulations and guidelines on corporate governance, shareholders' rights, directors' duties, and compliance requirements.

Advantages of company law:

1) Limited Liability:Protects shareholders by limiting their liability to the amount invested in the company.

2) Legal Entity: Allows the company to own property, sue, and be sued independently of its owners.

3) Perpetual Succession: Ensures the company's existence is not affected by changes in ownership or management.

4) Capital Generation:Facilitates raising capital through the issuance of shares and securities.

5) Regulatory Compliance:Promotes transparency and accountability, enhancing investor confidence.

6) Governance Structure:Establishes a clear framework for managing and operating the company.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

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Eligibility criteria for MA english in dav or sd

Shilu Singha 26th Jun, 2024


Since you haven't mentioned the full name of the college, I assume you want information about DAV college, Chandigarh and SD college, Chandigarh.

For pursuing MA English in DAV College, Chandigarh, the eligibility is graduation from a recognised university with minimum 50% marks.

And for SD college, the minimum required marks in 45% in graduation.

Hope you will find this information helpful. Best wishes ahead!

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I want to get admission in ma english with 60% in ba and i belong to sc will i get the admission?

Shilu Singha 26th Jun, 2024


Yes, you can get admission in MA English with 60% marks in graduation. There are many colleges and universities where the minimum required marks is 45-50%. And as you belong to SC category, it will be easier for you to get admission with your marks. You need to clear the entrance test for admission, if only the college you are planning to join conduct such tests for admission.

Hope this information will help you. Best wishes ahead!

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i have 84.6 % in 10 & 94.6 in 12, and a 9.2 cgpa in engineering, are there any chances for me to get into iim a, if I get good percentile

Tanya Gupta 27th Jun, 2024


Yes, you have a strong academic profile with 84.6% in 10th, 94.6% in 12th, and a 9.2 CGPA in engineering, which positions you well for admission to IIM Ahmedabad. If you achieve a high percentile in the CAT, it will significantly enhance your chances of getting shortlisted for the next stages of the selection process, which include the Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI). IIM Ahmedabad considers overall academic performance, CAT scores, and other factors like work experience and extracurricular activities. Thus, with a good CAT percentile, you have a competitive chance of securing admission to IIM Ahmedabad.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

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sir in iiser there was not showing category rank

sadafreen356 26th Jun, 2024

Generally IISER does not released rank list for privacy reasons, but applicants should be able to know their own rank. IISER allow students to focus on giving their best shot for the various entrance exams, rather than obsessing too much about a particular rank or score.they just released the name of the candidates who made to the list.However, marks weren’t displayed, and were usually calculated by applicants themselves based on the released answer keys.


how much fees for BPT 2nd year?

Shilu Singha 26th Jun, 2024


The average fees for BPT second year may range between Rs 30000 to Rs 1 Lakh. However, the fees vary from college to college depending on the type of institution or the category of the student. The fees in government colleges is relatively lesser than private colleges.

It is advisable to check the official website of the college for accurate information.

Hope this information will help you. Best wishes ahead!



Sajal Trivedi 26th Jun, 2024

Hello aspirant,

Here below I am providing you with the name of some of the top colleges for Bachelor of Commerce in India:

  • Sri Ram College of Commerce
  • Hindu College
  • Hansraj College
  • Sri Venkateshwara College
  • Kirorimal College
  • Ramjas College
  • Aatma Ram Sanatan Dharma College

For more information you can visit our website by clicking on the link given below.

Thank you

Hope this information helps you.


What is the marks required for ews category bams course

Tanya Gupta 27th Jun, 2024


The required marks for admission to a BAMS (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) course under the EWS (Economically Weaker Section) category vary by institution and year. However, a general guideline is to score above the NEET cut-off for the EWS category, which is typically lower than the general category cut-off.

In recent years, the NEET cut-off for the EWS category has ranged between 40th and 50th percentile, translating to scores around 600 or above out of 720. It's advisable to check the specific cut-off marks for the BAMS program at the institutions you are interested in, as they can differ based on competition and seat availability.

Hope this helps,

Thank you

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