How is Nava Nalanda Central Library of Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology?
If you are a book lover and spend most of your time with books, the library at Thapar University is heaven for you. Nava Nalanda Central Library at Thapar University has a total collection about 60,000 printed volumes including books, textbooks, standards and theses & dissertations. Books are organized on open access shelves in various collections. If you are looking for all the books on a particular subject, it is convenient to browse the shelves for that subject. Library books are arranged within each collection by their Subject Codes using Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System. You can read as many books you can. In case the book that you wish to borrow is not readily available on the shelf you may request the same to be reserved for you. The library operations are fully automated. You may enquire about status of your loans, reservations etc any time at the Help Desk. I hope this information works for you.