I didn't appear for my 12th exams in AP board due to Typhoid,and I failed in all subjects,but later I direct passed due to covid 19,I got less score in 12th,Am I able to write supplymentary exams in 2021 ?
its up to you.
if you ask if there is any possibility, then yes, there are possibilities for you to write another exam.
but not as a supplementary or compartmental exam. you have to appear for class 12 again. study 1 year and then write exam and clear it. if you wanted to write a compartment, then you should have asked the school about it a long back. now its too late. all college processes are over.
but you have a pass certificate i guess. bcoz of covid thing. so you can decide if you can do some ITI or polytechnic and you also have a good future in it.
those arent any shit courses. they are valuable too. if you take it properly and work on it.
other wise, re appearing 12th is the best option (personally). so now its up to you to choose among the options.
good luck