I want to do B.sc B.ed integrated course.Where should I go?
hii Arun ,
Here is the some list of Goverment integrated B.Sc. B.Ed. college :
1. Dr. hari singh gour university , sager
2. India gandhi national tribal university , Amarakntak
3. Gramodaya Mahavidyalaya
4. IFTM university
5. Indian institute of teacher education - IITE
For more college visit - https://targetstudy.com/colleges/bsc--bed-degree-colleges-in-india.html
hope it help!!
Hi Candidate,
Here is a list of colleges you can pursue the course of B.sc B.ed integrated course:
Aklank college of Education, Rajasthan
Alankir Mahila B.ed college, Rajasthan
Amity university-Noida
Amritha Viswa vidyapeetham-Mysore campus
Arunachal university of studies, Arunachal pradesh
Ashoka college of education, Maharashtra
All the best