is it easy to pass sem exams in vtu afflicted engineering colleges like kleit or etc etc ... how to prepare for computer science engineering sem exam vtu
It is best to experience computer science rather than simply study it. Learn everything you can by heart. Read about the inspiration behind new things you learn. What issues does it address? Why does it function? Frequently, you'll understand why things function but not their precise cause. So, attempt to disprove everything. Consider things from several angles.
The greatest test to determine whether you've learnt anything is to put it to use. Things takes 1000 attempts at doing it incorrectly before you succeed. Therefore, don't be frightened to make errors. Put learning and comprehension first. The rest is just a side note.
It could take longer to learn things the proper way, but the effort will be worthwhile. You won't need to learn anything at all once you fully understand the ideas. They'll be at your side for a very long time.
Good Luck!!