RMP Full Form

RMP Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jul 26, 2023 05:13 PM IST

What is the full form of RMP?

In its complete form, RMP stands for Registered Medical Practitioner. RMPs are frequently seen in rural areas. Indian law defines a registered medical practitioner as someone whose name appears in the State Medical Register of any state and who satisfies the relevant medical criteria.

Types of Registered Medical Practitioners

RMP Full Form
RMP Full Form

General practitioners, dentists, specialists, and licensed medical practitioners are just a few of the many different categories of recognized medical professionals.

expert in law, certified medical physicist, etc. The term "medicine" refers to the practice of medicine. A doctor who treats all illnesses but is not a specialist is called a general practitioner.

A dental practitioner is someone who is licensed to practise dentistry. Specialised medical practitioners use specialised testing, diagnostic, medical, surgical, physical, and psychiatric techniques to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness, disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in people. They do this by applying the principles and practices of modern medicine.

Privileges of a Registered Medical Practitioner

Any doctor or other medical officer who treats patients in a dispensary, hospital infirmary, or lying-in-hospital that receives funding from the government or any local authority or uses the homoeopathic medical system must be a registered practitioner. A medical practitioner's or medical officer's certification must be issued by a registered practitioner in order to be recognized as satisfying the requirements of a law or rule with legal force.

Social role and world view

Western culture's approach to medicine has recently shifted to one that is dominated by scientific materialism and reductionism. Medical anthropologists refer to this branch of medicine as "biomedicine" because it is now widely practised throughout the industrialised world. Medical students are exposed to a worldview through their study of biomedicine, which "formulates the human body and disease in a culturally specific pattern."

The phrase "medical model" refers to the entire "system of processes in which all doctors are trained" in this tradition, which also includes mental attitudes. Evidence-based medicine is the most blatant example of this worldview, which is currently prevalent among conventional physicians. The majority of physicians with conventional training still adhere to their long-standing customs:


Most jurisdictions require doctors to have a government-issued licence before they can practise in either sense of the word. Because national governments frequently finance medical care, such authorization is intended to maintain government spending while also enhancing public safety.

Even if they only have a bachelor's degree, doctors frequently embellish their credentials in some countries, like Singapore, by using the title "Dr" in letters or name cards. Only doctors with academic doctorates are allowed to use the title "doctor" in some nations, such as Germany, but the European Research Council has determined that the German medical doctorate does not meet the requirements for an international PhD research degree.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What exactly does telemedicine entail?

"Telemedicine" is the practice of using electronic information and communication technologies to deliver and support healthcare when participants are separated by a physical distance.

2. What are a doctor's legal rights as a practitioner?

A properly licensed medical professional, such as a doctor, is entitled to seek licences to practise medicine, surgery, and dentistry by registering with the medical council of the state in which he resides and following the steps outlined in the state's medical act.

3. What does "practitioner" stand for?

 "Practitioner" means someone who works in a profession, in particular.

4. How safe are dental X-rays? How?

A limited amount of radiation is emitted to the patient during dental X-rays. It is crucial to let your dentist know before the treatment begins if you are expecting. To prevent the unborn child from being exposed to radiation, professionals employ lead aprons.

5. Do all illnesses respond to antibiotic treatment?

Antibiotics, however, only combat infections brought on by bacteria, fungi, and specific parasites. They are ineffective against any viral infections. Most coughs, sore throats, the flu, and colds are all brought on by viruses.

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