TSA Full Form

TSA Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 05, 2023 02:29 PM IST

What is the full form of TSA ?

This is the abbreviated form of Transportation Security Administration. TSA is an agency established in the United States. This agency is the authority to control and regulate the transportation systems within and in connection with the nation. This department was established in 2001 and functions formally with an official logo. The main aim of this administrative authority includes security screenings at international airports across the nation. The assistant administrator acts as the head of the department. There have been seven administrators and six acting administrators since the establishment of the TSA. The term of each administrator is for five years.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of TSA ?
  2. History of TSA
  3. Organisational Structure
  4. Finances
TSA Full Form
TSA Full Form

History of TSA

The establishment of such a department arose to increase the security of the United States, which was to be strengthened after the September 11 attack in 2001. Earlier, private security agencies, under a contract basis, were dealing with security issues. It was after the argument raised by the Transportation secretary, Norman Mineta, that a single federal agency should decide to take up security assignments. This gave rise to the Aviation and transportation security act and, thereby, the establishment of this Transportation Security Administration.

Organisational Structure

Although an assistant administrator controls all the head offices, a few systems are regulated by an executive assistant administrator. These functions include Enterprise support, Federal Air Marshal Service, Security Operations, and Operations Support.


A significant part of the Transportation Security Administration budget comes from a $5. 60-passenger fee per traveller. This amount is also known as the September 11 Security Fee. Even if the travel originating in the US is a round trip, the security fee should be at most $11.20. According to the latest reports, this fee combined to produce $2.4 billion in 2020.

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