UAF Full Form

UAF Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 04, 2023 03:39 PM IST

What is the full form of UAF?

The full form of UAF is Universal Adult Franchise. According to Article 326 of the Indian Constitution, the Universal Adult Franchise is significant in democracies since it serves as the cornerstone for elections that are held at all levels to choose the government. A democracy is a system of government that is operated by, for, and with the consent of the governed. The Universal Adult Franchise guarantees the right to vote to all citizens who are at least 18 years old. Everyone is eligible to vote, regardless of their socioeconomic situation, educational level, race, religion, or other distinctions.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of UAF?
  2. Importance Of UAF
  3. History of UAF
UAF Full Form
UAF Full Form

Importance Of UAF

The critical element of democracy is the Universal Adult Franchise. The people should be guaranteed this in all circumstances because the principles of equality and fairness are the cornerstone of democracy. The Indian Constitution has approved the Universal Adult Franchise as the basis for elections to the Lok Sabha and state legislatures. The Lok Sabha's members are chosen by popular vote.

History of UAF

  • Only 13% of Indian citizens had access to voting rights before independence.

  • A few decades before independence, the demand for universal adult franchises began to gain importance.

  • The Motilal Nehru report was the first to advocate for women's equality and universal adult franchise.

  • When the current constitution was enacted in 1949 and successfully implemented on January 26, 1950, the universal adult franchise was ultimately adopted.

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