UF or Ultrafiltration is a separation process in which very large materials( in molecular size) are removed from the liquid solution so that the liquid can pass through particulate selective membrane easily. We can also say that it is a kind of filtration process which uses Ultrafiltration water purifiers. This process uses a semi permeable membrane (which allows only selective materials to pass through them) to remove large particles. These large particles are removed by applying a force that is proportional to the molecular size of the particles.This process is generally employed for waste water treatment or for water desalination.
UF is based on the theory of size exclusion hypothesis which states that molecules which are too large or too small will not pass through a certain membrane but the molecules of intermediate size will pass easily due to the random movement of particles.
We can also say that the principle is almost similar to the reverse osmosis process in which water is forced through a membrane which allows only selected material or liquid to pass through it. When there is difference in the osmotic pressure and applied pressure then the membrane allows water to pass through it by separating contaminated solutes from it. This process will keep on occurring until the pressure is the same on both sides of the membrane.
Many components are used in preparing an Ultrafiltration system. The membrane filter which is made up of two different synthetic layers. Out of the two, one layer is hydrophobic ( water repellent) and other is hydrophilic( water attracting). The main purpose of this filter is to filter the fluid. These two layers are attached to each other using an adhesive. Both the surfaces have small pores in them so that they can allow some selective material to pass through them. The common material which is used in making these membranes is cellophane polymer.
UF is used to remove comparatively larger molecular particles like bacteria, microbes etc.
Pharmaceutical Industries and Biotechnology industries.
Membranes which are used in Ultrafiltration techniques are generally made from polymer materials or sometimes ceramic membranes are also used for high temperature applications.
Bowman’s Capsule or Glomerular Capsule.