UNEP Full Form

UNEP Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 17, 2023 02:53 PM IST

What is the Full Form of UNEP?

UNEP stands for United Nations Environment program. It was founded by Maurice Strong after the Conference on Human Environment in Stockholm in June 1972. He was also the first director of UNEP. With regard to a variety of concerns, including climate change, the management of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and green economic development, its goal is to provide leadership, deliver science, and develop solutions. Additionally, the group creates worldwide environmental agreements, publishes and promotes environmental knowledge, and aids national governments in meeting environmental goals. The UNEP is governed by the United Nations Environment Assembly. It was established in 2012 to take the role of the Governing Council and currently has 193 members.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the Full Form of UNEP?
  2. UNEP Activities:
  3. UNEP's Structure:
  4. Leadership Of UNEP:
UNEP Full Form
UNEP Full Form

UNEP Activities:

UNEP offers information and data on the global environment to all relevant parties for the purpose of assisting government, non-governmental organisations, and the general public in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

It helps in Ecosystem management, resource efficiency, controlling chemicals and waste, etc.

It works with the Territorial Approach to Climate Change, which involves governmental organisations in efforts to build climate resilience.

It works with the mission to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring others to improve their quality of life without affecting future generations.

UNEP's Structure:

It comprises eight divisions-

  1. The Science Division: Its mission is to offer reliable environmental analyses and data for sustainable development.

  1. Policy and Program Division: It develops the policy and program of the UNEP.

  1. Ecosystems Division: It supports nations in conserving, restoring, and managing their ecosystems.

  1. Economy division: It supports major corporations in their attempts to be more environmentally conscious.

  1. Governance Affairs Office: It encourages the utilisation of UNEP's work by member states and other relevant organisations.

  1. Law Division: It contributes to the creation of environmental law.

  1. Communication division: It creates and distributes its messages.

  1. The Corporate Services Division: It manages UNEP's corporate interests, including financial risk exposure and management.

Leadership Of UNEP:

  • Executive director of UNEP - Inger Andersen.

  • Deputy Executive director - Joyce Msuya

  • Acting director - Sylvie Motard

  • General and Head of UNEP - Ligia Noronha

  • Acting deputy executive director - Sonja Leighton-Kone.

  • Director of Economy division - Sheila Aggarwal Khan

  • Director of Communication division - Daniel Cooney

  • Director of Ecosystem division - Susan Gardner

  • Director of Law division - Patricia kameri-Mbote

  • Director of Policy and program division - Tim Kasten

  • Director of Governance affairs office - Radhika ochalik

  • Chief scientist - Andrea Hinwood

  • Chief of staff - Rafael Peralta.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Where is the headquarters of UNEP located?

The headquarters of UNEP is located in Nairobi, Kenya.

2. How does UNEP accomplish its mission?

UNEP develops international agreements, and it also encourages institutions for environmental management.

3. When did the presence of UNEP start in India?

In 2016, the presence of UNEP started in India by forming an office in New Delhi.

4. Which award is awarded to PM Narendra Modi by UNEP?

UNEP awarded PM Narendra Modi with the Champions of the Earth award.

5. What is India's annual financial contribution to UNEP?

India's annual financial contribution to UNEP was USD 100,000.

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