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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

School Counselling Course starts with giving an introduction to school counseling and the variable factors that would influence school counseling.

School Counselling Classes cover counselling in many sectors of the school, including at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels as well as in a school that has experienced trauma due to some violent acts.

The importance of counselling in elementary schools and the distinctions between the positions of junior high school and secondary school counsellors will be covered in the School Counselling Course Syllabus.

All students get a School Counselling Course from Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore under the Swayam Initiative by the Government of India. 

The Highlights

  • Provided by Avinashilingam Institute
  • Online course
  • 15 weeks course
  • Learn at your own pace
  • Shareable Certificate
  • Expert Lectures

Programme Offerings

  • video lectures
  • Study Materials

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesAvinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore

Eligibility Criteria

Certificate Qualifying Details

E-certificates will be issued to all such participants who get a minimum of 30% in the internal assessment and 70% in the main examination.

Work experience

Work Experience is not a criterion to get enrolled in this certificate course.

What you will learn

The need for the School Counselling Course arises from the fact that school counselling improves students' capacity for focus, study, and eventually learning. It lessens disruptions in the classroom. Counselling services aid instructors in the classroom so they can deliver high-quality instruction to help pupils meet challenging expectations.

School Counselling Training will make it easier to spot "early warning signs" among adolescents at risk. School counsellors collaborate with administrators, teachers, and other staff members to plan for and implement school safety measures and to deter bullying. Students who participate in counselling services reported feeling happier and more at home and safe in their classrooms.

The following learning outcomes are achieved upon successful conclusion of this School Counselling Certification:

  • Analyse the role of a counsellor in a trauma laden situation in schools.
  • Describe what is involved in Counselling in elementary school. 
  • Describe the role of a counsellor in the secondary school counsellor.

Who it is for

If the appropriate students apply for the online course School Counselling, there will be excellent employment prospects like:

Admission Details

Students are urged to enroll in School Counselling Certification by taking the following steps:

Step 1: Visit the official website

Step 2: Fill up the application form

Step 3: Upload the necessary documents

The Syllabus

  • School Counseling - meaning and concept, need and scope
  • Developmental  task - meaning and concept, developmental tasks of school children and high school children
  • Goals and objectives of developmental model of counseling and developmental perspective to counseling

  • Theoretical foundations and counseling approaches - Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
  • Theoretical foundations and counseling approaches - Erickson’s psycho social theory

  • Theoretical foundations and counseling approaches - Ivey’s developmental therapy
  • Theoretical foundations and counseling approaches - Blocher’s developmental counseling and Havighurst’s concept of developmental task

  • Objectives and principles of school counseling
  • Counseling and goals strategies - Primary, high and high secondary school level

  • Concept of task and concerns of school counseling and counselor
  • Role and function of school counselor
  • Emergence of school counseling - historical perspective of role and function of school counselor

  • Review of role statement of ASCA
  • Role and functions of school counselors by grade level - Elementary school counseling
  • Role and functions of school counselors by grade level - Middle school counseling

  • Role and functions of school counselors by grade level - High school counseling
  • Role and functions of school counselors by grade level - Rural and Urban school counseling

  • Characteristics and roles of counselor
  • Special skill of a school counselor - consultation - process and modes
  • School consultation- effective uses of Adlerian principles in consultation

  • Consultation of teachers and administrators as an integral part of school counseling
  • Consultation - working with parents as an integral part of school counseling

  • Skills of school counselor - Communication skills
  • Skills of school counselor - Evaluating skills
  • Skills of school counselor - Leadership and Coordinating skills
  • Best practices of school counselor - being good listener, friend and authoritative
  • Best practices of school counselor - being grounded, accessible and approachable

  • Introduction to common problems of school children
  • Issues related to academic performance - identification and intervention
  • Counseling exceptional children - mentally and emotionally challenged children, slow learners, learning disabilities and gifted children

  • Counseling abused children - Victims of physical, verbal and sexual abuse
  • Counseling children with high risk behaviours - drug and alcohol abuse, sexually active and delinquent children
  • Counseling children from broken families - children with single parents on the verge of divorce

  • Counseling children with health maladjustment - common health complaints, psycho somatic
  • Special concerns of school counselor - the need and importance for early identification and planning suitable intervention

  • Counseling approaches  - meaning, importance and techniques - Direct, Indirect and eclectic counseling
  • Types of Counseling - Individual and group counseling

  • Behaviour Therapy - Techniques, key concept and process
  • Rational emotive therapy and cognitive therapy - Techniques, key concepts and process
  • Future trends in school counseling - Advocacy, promoting and formulating a professional identity as school counselor

Evaluation process

Yes, there will be assessments and one Final Exam.


Ramya Bhaskar

Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore

Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: What is meant by school counselling?

It involves using the school's internal resources to help an individual solve their challenges.

2: How are the classes for School Counselling Online Course being held?

The classes are administered through pre-recorded videos and lectures. 

3: What is the role of student counsellor?

Student counsellors collaborate with students, parents, and teachers to support students' academic, social, and career development.

4: Who is teaching faculty for this course?

The instructor for this course is Dr. Ramya Bhaskar.

5: What types of counselling is used in school?

Educational Guidance and Counselling, Vocational Counselling, and Career Counselling are the three main categories of counselling offered in schools. 


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