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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf Study, Virtual ClassroomVideo and Text Based

Important dates

Course Commencement Date

Start Date : 15 Jan, 2025

End Date : 30 Apr, 2025

Enrollment Date

End Date : 30 Apr, 2025

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 25 May, 2025

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesCentral University of Punjab, Bathinda

The Syllabus

  • Module 1: Introduction to the Arctic
  • Module 2: How the Arctic region is different from the Antarctica 
  • Module 3: Arctic Region and States
  • Discussion & Self-assessment

  • Module 4: Transportation and connectivity in the arctic regions
  • Module 5: Special regions of the Arctic (Greenland and Svalbard) 
  • Module 6: Indian expedition and research station
  • Discussion & Self-assessment

  • Module 7: Arctic region through geological Age 
  • Module 8: Paleoclimate and past life of the Arctic region
  • Graded Assignment and quiz/MCQ (Module 1 to 6)
  • Discussion

  • Module 9: Geology of Svalbard, 
  • Module 10: Landforms of Svalbard 
  • Module 11: Glacial Hydrogeology of the Svalbard 
  • Discussion & Self-assessment

  • Module 12: Geology of Greenland, 
  • Module 13: Landforms of Greenland 
  • Module 14: Glacial Hydrogeology of the Greenland 
  • Discussion and Graded quiz/MCQ (Module 7 to 14)

  • Module 15: Arctic Ocean, 
  • Module 16: Sea Ice of the Arctic region 
  • Module 17: Continental ice sheet and glaciers of the Arctic region
  • Discussion & Self-assessment

  • Module 18: Fjord systems in the Arctic region 
  • Module 19: Coastal morphology in the arctic regions 
  • Graded Assignment and quiz/MCQ (Module 15 to 19)
  • Discussion

  • Module 20: Marine resources in the Arctic regions 
  • Module 21: Natural resources of the Svalbard 
  • Module 22: Natural resources of the Greenland 
  • Discussion & Self-assessment

  • Module 23: Atmospheric circulation over Arctic 
  • Module 24: Methane emission and Ozone hole development over Arctic region 
  • Graded Assignment 
  • Discussion

  • Module 25: Arctic Climate and its global importance, 
  • Module 26: Role of Arctic region on global climate & its teleconnection 
  • Non-Graded Assignment and Graded quiz/MCQ (Module 20 to 26)
  • Discussion

  • Module 27: Arctic ecosystem and food chain 
  • Module 28: Arctic biodiversity - threats and conservation measures 
  • Module 29: Nutrient cycling in the Arctic
  • Discussion & Self-assessment

  • Module 30: Arctic Water pollution, 
  • Module 31: Arctic air pollution 
  • Module 32: Pollution in the Arctic region: Impact of seasonal pollution
  • Discussion & Self-assessment

  • Module 33: Remote Sensing and GIS in monitoring Arctic environment 
  • Module 34: Arctic environmental safety and risk assessment
  • Graded Assignment and quiz/MCQ (Module 27 to 34)
  • Discussion

  • Module 35: Ethnic communities and their settlement in Arctic
  • Module 36: Impact of climate change on the indigenous peoples of Arctic 
  • Module 37: Protection of the Arctic environment and the role of ethnic communities 
  • Module 38: Water resource management by Arctic communities 
  • Discussion

  • Module 39: UN sustainable development goals (SDG) relevance to the Arctic Region: A missing link needs to be established
  • Module 40: India's Arctic Policy
  • Graded Assignment and quiz/MCQ (Module 35 to 40)
  • Discussion



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