Understanding the basic Traits of Entrepreneurship, and the Fitment of oneself with an Entrepreneurial Career.
In this session, we will discuss the essentials of idea generation, sources of ideas, and identifying the best possible idea for oneself.
What is a strategy and how should entrepreneurs go about crafting a strategy for their ventures.
Participants will be introduced to the concepts of innovation and its usage in their ventures.
We will discuss how and where to look for potential market, and the basic principles of entrepreneurial marketing.
So you have found a market need, but what value do you bring to the table for the customer? And how are you better suited in meeting the demands of your customer?
Participants will be introduced to the basic concepts of financial planning, valuations and sources of revenues.
We will cover the basic issues pertaining to recruitment and retaining of people in start-ups and identifying people with an entrepreneurial mindset.
So you have set up your venture, how fast do you scale? Is the market as lucrative as it looked from outside? How do you play the game? The session focuses on issues and challenges in scaling the market while testing and improvising upon your B-plan
All participants will make a comprehensive business plan and present their business plans to faculty and experts in entrepreneurship.