Study of number fields, definition of the ring of integers. Definition of norm and trace.
Definition of absolute and relative discriminant. Computation of discriminant. Computation of the ring of integers.
Definition and properties of Dedekind domains. Proof that the ring of integers is a Dedekind domain. Factorisation of extension of prime ideals in a finite extension of number fields.
Embeddings of a number field in complex numbers. A result from geometry of numbers. Finiteness of class groups.
Computation of class groups, including several examples. Applications to Diophantine equations of computations of class groups.
Dirichlet’s unit theorem.
Extension and norm of ideals in field extensions. Maps between class groups of extensions. Decomposition subgroups, inertia subgroups, Frobenius elements etc. Localisation, residue field.
Valuations in a number fields. Local fields. Hensel’s lemma and applications.
Field extensions of local fields, ramification, different, inertia subgroups etc.
Study of special number fields. Imaginary quadratic fields, real quadratic fields, cubic fields, cyclotomic fields.
Definition of ray class field as a generalisation of ideal class group. Some statements from class field theory without proofs.
Definition of zeta functions and L-functions. Statements of their analytic properties without proofs. Dirichlet Class number formula.