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Quick Facts

Medium Of InstructionsMode Of LearningMode Of Delivery
EnglishSelf StudyVideo and Text Based

Course Overview

Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics programme is an online course by Swayam, which is taught by Prof Arijit Kumar De from IISER Mohali for a period of twelve weeks. The course will involve online lectures, assignments, and a final exam.  

Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics certification course will cover a wide range of topics in macroscopic and statistical thermodynamics and kinetics. It will explain a number of physicochemical phenomena. As it is not a beginner level course, candidates who want to enrol in the programme are encouraged to gain a basic level understanding of thermodynamics. 

Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics provides a list of books and references which can be used to follow the course material better. While every other part of the course is online, the final exam will be held at various pre-designated centres in different cities for the participants’ convenience.

The Highlights

  • Undergraduate/Postgraduate level Elective course 
  • Taught by faculty from IISER Mohali
  • Final offline exam
  • Online course
  • E-Certificate
  • Assignments
  • The course of twelve weeks
  • Course Category: Chemistry
  • List of books and references provided
  • No enrolment fees

Important dates

Course Commencement Date

Start Date : 20 Jan, 2025

End Date : 11 Apr, 2025

Certificate Exam Date

Start Date : 26 Apr, 2025

Programme Offerings

  • E-certificate
  • No enrolment fees
  • Course Category: Chemistry
  • assignments
  • Final offline exam
  • Taught by faculty from IISER Mohali
  • Online Course
  • Course of twelve weeks
  • UG/PG level Elective course

Courses and Certificate Fees

Certificate AvailabilityCertificate Providing Authority
yesIISER Mohali

Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics program fee structure - 

Course Name


Exam Fees

Rs. 1,000

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who want to enrol in the Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics program need to have introductory knowledge in thermodynamics. 

Candidates also need to complete all the assignments with a minimum score of 10/25 and pass the final exam with a minimum of 30/75 and get a final score of 40/100 to gain the certificate.

What you will learn

Knowledge of Chemistry

Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics program will provide undergraduate and postgraduate level information about statistical and classical thermodynamics and kinetics and its application in chemistry. It will also explore the various physicochemical phenomena.

Who it is for

Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics is intended for the below-given audience: 

  • Integrated BSc+MSc third-year students
  • BSc or BS final year students
  • Undergraduate engineering or integrated five-year engineering third-year students
  • MSc students or integrated Ph.D. candidates  in their first or second year
  • Ph.D. students in their first year

Admission Details

  • Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics by Swayam can be joined by candidates by visiting and either registering themselves or signing in. 
  • They need to fill an online form and pay the exam fee if they want to qualify for the certificate. If they do not want the certificate, they don’t need to pay the exam fee. 
  • Once these steps are followed, and scrutiny has been complete, candidates can participate in the course.

Application Details

Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics program application form consist of an online form that can be accessed by signing into the Swayam website. Individuals can sign in using their email addresses or choose to use their Google, Facebook, or Microsoft account.

The Syllabus

  • Concept of entropy
  • Properties of Gibbs free energy
  • Phase equilibrium of one and two component system
  • Mixtures, Chemical equilibrium

  • Dipole moment
  • Electrical polarization
  • Charge-dipole
  • Dipole-dipole and Dipole-induced dipole interaction
  • Dispersion interaction.

  • Viscosity
  • Diffusion (Ficks laws)

  • Reaction mechanism
  • Kinetic measurements

  • Introduction to photochemistry, 
  • Kinetics of multicomponent systems: Combustion and Atmospheric chemistry

  • Molecular partition function
  • Boltzmann distribution

  • Potential energy surface
  • Transition state theory

  • Unimolecular reactions (Lindemann-Christiansen model (Introductory discussion on Hinshelwood and RRK/RRKM models)

  • Cage effect
  • Diffusion controlled reactions
  • Polar solvation
  • Marcus theory of electron transfer

  • Non-ideal solutions, Activity of ions (Debye-Huckel theory)

  • Insights into electrode processes
  • Ionic conductivity

  • Transport phenomena: Coefficient of viscosity
  • Chemical kinetics:  Hydrolysis of an ester
  • Photochemistry: Degradation of a dye
  • Reaction dynamics: Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy

Evaluation process

Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics training have many conditions to achieve the examination besides the certificate eligibility fee. Participants have to submit all the assignments as the average score received from the best eight assignments out of 12 will be counted as the assignment score. This will count to 25% of the final score. 

The final offline exam will be for three hours and carries 75% of the final score. 

The final score will be the sum of the assignment score and the final exam score. However, if the participants achieve less than ten marks in the assignments or less than 30 marks in the final exam, they will forfeit the certificate even if the combined total is more than 40 marks.


IISER Mohali Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1: Can I join the course right now?

The enrollment for the course is closed right now. Candidates need to visit the official Swayam website to get notified of the latest updates.

2: What is the minimum final score needed to pass?

Candidates need to score a minimum of 40 marks to get certified. However, it also involves getting 10/25 and 30/75 in assignments and the final exam, respectively. If either of the conditions is not fulfilled, the candidate will not be certified.

3: Will I get a hard copy of the certificate?

No, only an e-certificate will be provided. 

4: Who will teach this course?

The course will be taught by Prof. Arijit Kumar De from IISER Mohali.

5: Is the final exam conducted online?

No, the final exam will be offline.


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