The fees for Hydrogen Energy Production Storage Transportation and Safety is :
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Exam fees
Rs. 1,000
The Syllabus
Properties of hydrogen, global status of supply and demand, methods of hydrogen production, steam reforming, tutorial
Advanced methods of steam reforming, partial oxidation, autothermal reforming, combined reforming, reforming using alternate energy sources, tutorial
Hydrogen production from methane decomposition, from coal and biomass, tutorial
Hydrogen separation and purification, thermochemical cycles for hydrogen production, fundamentals for electrolysis of water
Components of electrolytic cell, configuration of electrolyze stack, different electrolyze technologies, photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, technical and economic comparison of different production methods and global status, cost analysis, tutorial
Introduction to hydrogen storage, underground hydrogen storage, fundamentals of hydrogen compression and expansion
Mechanical and non-mechanical hydrogen compressors; compressed hydrogen tank types and design considerations, tutorial
Hydrogen liquefaction, liquid state hydrogen storage tanks, fundamentals of hydrogen storage in adsorption based materials
Fundamentals and thermodynamics of absorption based hydrogen storage, metal hydrides, types of metal hydrides, metal hydride based systems design, tutorial
Novel materials for solid state hydrogen storage; economics of storage; Long distance hydrogen transport via pipelines, ships and in form of LOHC; hydrogen transport via road; hydrogen refueling stations
Use of hydrogen in internal combustion engines, fuel cells, hydrogen sensing
Properties of hydrogen associated with hazards, classification of hydrogen hazards, compressed and liquid hydrogen related hazards, regulation, codes and standards, utilization of hydrogen in various sectors, global status and future directions